Australian admits filming taunts of dying policewoman – IOTW Report

Australian admits filming taunts of dying policewoman

 He blamed the officers for ruining his Porsche sports car.

h/t SNS.

19 Comments on Australian admits filming taunts of dying policewoman

  1. …this just demonstrates that the decline is global. That human life can be cheapened and police held in such hatred is now a global standard.

    To recap:
    An actual “pussy” living the high life is so angered when it’s slightly challenged for his traffic violation that he has to berate dying police officers after a careless Sikh truck driver barrels over them and wrecks his car as well, which causes him to do the only thing a millennial can do in an emergency, which is record it on social media instead of calling for help.

    So many things are wrong with this, it’s hard to know where to start.

    The guy was doing so well for himself that he could afford a Porche and sushi, and hobbies like getting drugged up and going for a drive. He’s so full of himself that, when faced with consequences, he can only think of hating Police officers for doing their jobs.

    Time was that, if confronted by the sudden, severe injury of a fellow human being right in front of them, a person would be filled with horror and compassion for the injured, and would spend their time comforting the dying, trying to help, or at least trying to GET help.

    No more.

    Now, petty dickery must rule, with your curses brought home to the person who offended you in as public an Internet forum you can find. The phone comes out to hurt, not to help, and comfort becomes carping as the last words the dying hears is you telling them your death us pretty fair compensation for inconveniencing your precious self.

    And the incompetent foreign truck driver is apparently available on both sides of the world, top and bottom, turning highways into charnel houses world wide.

    None of these people are rich and famous.

    But all of them are emblematic of our times.

    The only love left is love of self. Decency, dignity, compassion all gone, with only hatred and petty vengeance left in its wake. We go forwards into a brave new world where come-uppence outweighs basic humanity, and the need to capture it all for social media is the most important thing in all the world.

    Come what may, it seems the globalist have attained one goal, at the very least.

    Human life has been devalued all over the world.

    I don’t know where it goes from here, but it won’t be anywhere GOOD…

  2. @MissInMI:

    That’d be a big room. Australia is on my “absolutely NOPE” list for that reason in addition to the Insane lockdown policies & the coddling of Muslims.


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