Australian children as young as four are saying they are the wrong sex, and adults are listening to them – IOTW Report

Australian children as young as four are saying they are the wrong sex, and adults are listening to them

Something is wrong down under…

Daily Telegraph

A FOUR-YEAR-OLD preschooler in NSW has begun “transitioning” their gender before attending their first day of kindergarten, amid a wave of young children across Australia who are seeking to change sex.

The Baird government has revealed “a number of students” are transitioning their gender in primary schools.

The revelation comes as referrals to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead for gender services have tripled, with one doctor saying they had “escalated rapidly” across every state.

In another major children’s hospital, 250 children — some as young as three — are being assisted by the gender dysphoria unit.

Psychologists yesterday questioned whether it was too young for a four-year-old to be transitioning gender.

The case emerged during an exchange at a state government budget estimates hearing that delved into the Safe Schools program.

The Education Department’s deputy secretary of school operations Gregory Prior said the school had used Safe Schools resources to help teachers assist the child.

“We have a number of ­students who are going through gender transition in our schools, with the youngest being a four-year-old at the moment,” he said.

“Without breaching privacy, we have a four-year-old who is transitioning to kindergarten next year who has identified as transgender.

“The Safe Schools is only one resource that can be used from a variety of resources in how we would support that family, student and school to accommodate a child going through transition.”

The Education Department yesterday would not reveal further details, including the birth sex of the child.

Susan Palmer, Pastor of Open Door Community of Christ in Cranebrook — which is comprised of people from the LGBTI community — said she held concerns about children being pushed one way or the other when they were too young.


By the way, the picture is FDR as a child.

22 Comments on Australian children as young as four are saying they are the wrong sex, and adults are listening to them

  1. booze at 21, smokes at 21 some states, make whack time at 21.
    personoid could sue anyone who indulged the imagination of a young child with life changing body modifications. imho.

  2. TV is the baby sitter and the Left wing Commies are using to indoctrinate.
    We see it here as well. Hardly an hour goes by you can’t see something homosexual and/or transgender, which is really interesting seeing as how the homosexual population is maybe 1.5% and the tranny sector of that is infinitesimally smaller yet! So that leaves the tranny population in the weeds at somewhere around, I dunno, maybe .01% of the total, yet when we turn on the TV that freak show is there for everyone to see. That tells me there is an agenda to brainwash involved here – not that the bought and paid for media would ever do such a thing… uh?

  3. Kids don’t get to “identify” as anything until they become adults. It’s the parents pounding it into their heads day after day.

    Otherwise, they need to find out what is making all these children go insane. TV indoctrination? Something in the water? Hillary Clinton syndrome?

    Just because FDR did it, doesn’t make it right.

  4. In the not-so-distant past, it was fairly common for parents to dress their boy children as girls, even complete with long hair. I believe they thought it was charming at the time. I even knew a guy who was born in 1942, and he had a picture of himself as a toddler in ringlets, wearing a dress.

    There seemed to be no ill effects from it, though, and he grew up to be extremely heterosexual and a father to two boys of his own. Needless to say, there were no dresses for them.



    As a four-year-old, my main concern was figuring out how I could spend more time at my grandmother’s house, because she had cats and my parents didn’t.

    Also a good part of that year I spent being impatient to turn five so I could go to school.

  6. Get a grip.


    Including, parents are NOT to be informed when their child decides to be a different sex, it invades the child’s privacy. That means 8 year old gender confused kids can follow the transgender FAD they see on TV.

    evil. The children are being groomed for every perversion.

  7. “The Suicide of the West”

    We teach our boys to suck dicks and they teach their boys to cut off the heads of their enemies.

    What’s wrong with this picture?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. When I was four, I commented that I wish I could pee standing up (I have two much-older brothers). My parents laughed! I guess in today’s world I would have been whisked away and given hormone therapy, hence screwing me up for life. 🙁

    BTW, we have a picture of my grandfather at around 2-3 years old also with long curls and wearing a dress.

  9. All pre-pubescent children were “girls” at one time.
    They became separated after about age 7 – to “boys” and “maidens.”

    That’s why ragheads think it’s OK to fuck toddlers of either sex.

    izlamo delenda est …

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