Australian farmer survives crocodile attack by biting 10-foot reptile’s eyelid: ‘Dirty bastard’ – IOTW Report

Australian farmer survives crocodile attack by biting 10-foot reptile’s eyelid: ‘Dirty bastard’

He snapped back.

NYP: An Australian farmer says he survived being bitten by a 10-foot saltwater crocodile who tossed him around “like a rag doll” — by biting the monster reptile on its eye.

Colin Deveraux, a veteran cattle rancher in his 60s, spoke about his heroic survival in the Australian outback as he prepared to leave a local hospital where he spent nearly a month being treated for his injuries.

He had been on his way to build some fencing near his home in Twin Hill Station in the Northern Territory when he was suddenly attacked while stopping at a lake, known as a billabong, to watch some fish swimming. more

SNIP: Anyone here ever eat crocodile?

15 Comments on Australian farmer survives crocodile attack by biting 10-foot reptile’s eyelid: ‘Dirty bastard’

  1. Anonymous
    THURSDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2023, 13:03 AT 1:03 PM
    “How could such tough people elect such fascists to run their country?”

    Elect. You people keep using that word. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

  2. Anonymous
    THURSDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2023, 13:03 AT 1:03 PM
    “How could such tough people elect such fascists to run their country?”

    “Elect”. You people keep using that word. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

  3. MJA, yes, I’ve eaten crocodile. Once.

    Don’t ever let someone tell you it tastes like chicken. It tastes like I would think a reptile would taste like.

    It wasn’t bad, just different.

  4. Eaten crocodile? No, but I have eaten alligator and it has the taste and texture of a slightly tough piece of veal. If it’s on the menu, I wouldn’t hesitate to order it.

  5. Not crocodile, but alligator…it’s very good. Deep fried tail chunks are delicious (leaning more towards a very subtle chicken flavor, but I think it’s due to the batter and it being farm raised). Pan broiled tail chunks had a bit of a briny mix of pork and fish flavor. Barbecued gator ribs that went well with carolina bbq sauce (wild gator, tasted a bit like pork).


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