Australian Woman Fined For Using Drone to Go Shopping While in Government Forced Hotel Quarantine – IOTW Report

Australian Woman Fined For Using Drone to Go Shopping While in Government Forced Hotel Quarantine


Comrades when the COVID Compliance Ministry down-under says you must quarantine yourself, they really mean it.   Australians are not even allowed to operate machinery that might travel on their behalf.  Apparently the Rona can infect electronic devices, even drones mid-flight, and present a risk for spreading the virus.

Australians are “locked-down”, even in their lock-down.  Meaning they are physically imprisoned and not permitted any outside communication or contact, with anything, in order to  preserve the health integrity of all other planetary objects in their sphere of influence.

Federal COVID Sky Marshals are patrolling the cities and suburbs looking for non-compliant citizens.  If captured the non-compliant dissident is detained, fined and then forcibly quarantined.  WATCH:

18 Comments on Australian Woman Fined For Using Drone to Go Shopping While in Government Forced Hotel Quarantine

  1. I notice that the last picture in the linked article (You Cannot Comply Your Way Out Of Tyranny) was made by The White Rose. Interesting.
    The White Rose was a WWII German resistance group, spreading anti-Nazi pamphlets and graffiti. It’s good to see that someone has picked up the name and is continuing its anti-Gooberment activities.
    I just hope this new group doesn’t end up the same as the original members.

  2. I’d hate to see what the Ozzie authoritahs would do to a quarantined amateur radio operator, who was caught talking on the air, transmitting beyond international borders.

  3. @Erik

    The “Hop Finish” is from clenching your but cheeks together as you Hop to the Shitter to Piss from your Ass.

    Unfortunately, I bought Grolsch Pils from Holland to try and save $3. I think I’m getting stupider as I age. SSDD.

  4. Get a 12% Double Dog if you are East of the Missippplplplple.

    With HOPS!

    It’s luxury we can afford. Hats of to Joe Cocker.

    I don’t live east of the mississississipi anymore, and I frankly miss my Double Dogs.

  5. I had a Fosters 24 oz “oil can” at Outback.
    It said on the can it was brewed in Fort Worth, Texas.

    I have to say it tasted damn good.
    I poured it into a frosty mug after walking around the Vegas Strip in 115 degree heat that day so that helped the experience.


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