Austria will make it a criminal offense to spread ‘political Islam’ – IOTW Report

Austria will make it a criminal offense to spread ‘political Islam’


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s cabinet today agreed on a wide range of anti-terrorism measures meant to plug perceived security flaws identified after a deadly attack by an Islamic extremist in Vienna last week.

The proposals include the ability to keep individuals convicted of terror offences behind bars for life, electronic surveillance of people convicted of terror-related offenses upon release and criminalizing religiously motivated political extremism.

Kurz said the measures, which will be brought before parliament in December for a vote, take a two-pronged approach, targeting both terror suspects and also the ideology that drives them. more

12 Comments on Austria will make it a criminal offense to spread ‘political Islam’

  1. …nice try, but FAIL. Islam is DESIGNED as an integrated political/religious system and a way of life in which Shari’a law is the goal and will ALWAYS have primacy over secular government. The Koran forbids electing Islamic leaders as they are “chosen by a!!ah”, but they ARE supposed to participate in the elective politics of their host country with the goal of pissing in the ballot soup to get the worst leaders so the secular system collapses, leaving an opening to implement Shari’a in its place.

    …there IS no political or religious Islam.

    There is only Islam.

    And you can’t separate them.

    You get them all.

    Or not at all…

  2. How about making it a criminal offense to teach nihilistic social relativism, critical race theory, and/or Gaia worship to impressionable children?

    It would be easily implemented: put razor wire fencing around govt schools mandatory indoctrination centers, let the kids out, and keep the teachers and administrators in.


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