Author Blames COVID for Flight From “Distressed Zip Codes” – IOTW Report

Author Blames COVID for Flight From “Distressed Zip Codes”

Yahoo! Finance

According to EIG [Economic Innovation Group], which uses US Census Bureau data to sort districts by economic well-being, roughly 52 million Americans live in a “distressed” zip code. That’s up from 50 million in 2018.

Distress scores are calculated based on weighted factors. Those factors include the number of residents with a high school diploma, the poverty rate, the number of adults not working, the housing vacancy rate, the median income ratio, changes in employment, and changes in the number of business establishments.

EIG discovered that in recent years, urban areas across the country have become increasingly “distressed” while the surrounding suburbs are considered more “prosperous.” More

16 Comments on Author Blames COVID for Flight From “Distressed Zip Codes”

  1. I’m sure the correlation between distressed and democrat/black-run cities was never investigated. Nor either was the connection between the relative “freedom” that was allowed/restored in republican-run areas during the PLANNEDEMIC/SCAMDEMIC. And if you can work remotely, why would you EVER want to stay in a hell-hole?

  2. “Distress scores are calculated based on weighted factors. Those factors include the number of residents with a high school diploma, the poverty rate, the number of adults not working, the housing vacancy rate, the median income ratio, changes in employment, and changes in the number of business establishments.”

    Notice that there’s no mention of race or religion in all that.

  3. I skimmed the article and could not find offered anywhere the proposition that people left distressed zip codes because those zip codes were distressed.🦮🤡

  4. Government geniuses at work.

    Drive from the suburbs to the innards of any large US city and you can see the real thing. The further in you go in, for anyone that has the nerve, the worse it gets. You’ll see the US version of The Killing Fields.

  5. ^^^^^ that may not be true of all US Cities. I was thinking of LA, where the killing field is just south of downtown.

    If you drive from OC to Santa Monica on surface streets you’ll see what I mean. My advice is don’t do it. Just take my word for it.

  6. I was thinking about when I went to Orange County for a training session a few years back and thought of driving up to San Gabriel to my childhood home. It was relatively safe back in the 60s. But I shied away from that little adventure thinking it would only disappoint me. Or worse.


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