Author John Ringo Responds to SJW Assault That Led to Sci-Fi Convention Ban – IOTW Report

Author John Ringo Responds to SJW Assault That Led to Sci-Fi Convention Ban

Dangerous: Charlotte sci-fi convention ConCarolinas has removed New York Times bestselling author John Ringo from its program after he was harassed by a mob of SJW concern-trolls on the Internet.

Over a week-long process, Ringo underwent a character assassination by third-rate writers who won’t draw nearly the same crowds as he will, having over 7 million books in print and a legion of fans across the world. The SJWs went particularly nasty.

[…] “What struck me from the beginning was how the conservatives (many) at the con had to hide in the shadows, furtively whispering the secret passwords and passing microdot notes like they were in East Germany,” Ringo told DANGEROUS. “By the same token, the leftists were free to vent any old idiocy, any lie, any distortion or falsehood without anyone speaking up and telling them they were full of shit. As soon as I broke the hymen and revealed myself as a conservative it was game on and no holds barred. At that con I very nearly got into a fistfight with a magazine publisher at a room party. It has been one shit storm after another ever since.”

The entire article is here. Good read.

13 Comments on Author John Ringo Responds to SJW Assault That Led to Sci-Fi Convention Ban

  1. Too damn bad. I always felt that the SCIFI community was an island uninfected that the cancer the SJW and Politically Correct movement is. I’ve read about all of Ringo’s books and few authors in that genre have that imagination and ability to paint a landscape. He’s right though, fans ought to start boycotting the conventions that have been scrubbed clean of conservative viewpoints. Better still maybe it’s time to go thirty years and have fans organize their own inviting all not just the “correct” ones.

  2. Been reading Ringo’s stuff for years. Great yarns he spins. You don’t have to read between the lines to know he’s conservative.

    The SJW’s are having a far flung effect in the Sci-Fi community. And that’s a shame.

    Picked up one novel (space opera) by Tim Pratt a few weeks ago. He made sure I knew the protagonist was bisexual, screwing another bisexual, in a crew that included at least one queer and one transgender.

    I don’t really care about the sexual proclivities of characters in these stories.

  3. Something was up with the sci fi crowd when I went to a convention in Vancouver BC several years ago. Ignorant me didn’t know what Slash was as I wandered the booths loooking for fun T-shirt’s and such. Slash is fantasy fan fiction pairing two unlikely characters together romantically… Kirk/Spock or Starbuck/Apollo or mix the worlds JackO’Neill/Kirk. What?!? Ick.

    Struck up a conversation with Dirk Benedict about the beauty of Montana and politics. That was unexpected and the highlight of the trip.

  4. Not at all surprised. There are plenty of writers of all political bents out there. It’s just pathetic how nasty the leftoids are in their writing as well as their general demeanor. Orson Scott Card is another great writer of conservative roots, and he gets tons of crap about it too. I really hate it when you find an otherwise good writer and a book until they start throwing in gay sex or other prog crap – usually in the middle of the book. And even Star Trek – post Roddenberry turned to crap…

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