Are they saving this guy or sentencing him?
A security guard making the rounds fell into a dry well. What follows looks like an episode of Mission Ridiculous. Seriously, I can’t stop laughing. What is this rescue technique [Read More]
A security guard making the rounds fell into a dry well. What follows looks like an episode of Mission Ridiculous. Seriously, I can’t stop laughing. What is this rescue technique [Read More]
2 dogs escaped from their house when the owner was taken to the hospital. Romping in the woods, one of them slid down a 30 foot embankment and became entangled in [Read More]
The hottest Netflix series right now is a documentary called Making a Murderer. It’s a slanted propaganda piece that has people largely falling into 3 camps. I’m in a camp. I’ll let you [Read More]
HT/ Bitterclinger Two Muslims have crashed a speedboat into the Thames barrier in London. Police think it might be the start of Ram-a-dam. ————————————————————————- Riots in heavily Muslim section of [Read More]
CAROLINA DREAMIN’ Chris Campion compares the leftist model of Vermont with the “less progressive” model of North Carolina. EthanAllen- Vermont: A shining economic city on the hill. Well, after you’re [Read More]
Remember the Canadian kids singing the Arab song at a school recital? (Unruly Refugee covered it in the Bullpen.) Truderp tweeted this out—> ✔@JustinTrudeau WATCH: Ottawa high school students sing [Read More]
Guy just arbitrarily slashes a woman’s face and runs away.
Murderer attempts to burn a 91 year-old man from inside out after forcing gasoline into his stomach. I read about this murder last month, but the details of the murder hadn’t [Read More]
Blame Dr. Jay for sending in this tip. Transgender surgery addict spends £52,000 on four boob jobs, two rounds of lipo and 150 face fillers to have ‘the perfect female [Read More]
This dopey progressive poser , Justin Truderp, lording over Canada, just announced that he won’t be bombing ISIS even if attacked. What kind of jacka$$ tells the enemy that they [Read More]
We are aware of seismic activity on the Korean Peninsula & have seen claims of a nuclear test. Statement: — WH National Security (@NSC44) January 6, 2016 Digg- [Read More]
Seismologists reported a massive underground earthquake in North Korea, a suspicious earthquake. NOKO reports, proudly, that this was a hydrogen bomb test. South Korea just might want to back off [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.