Hey Left – I Identify As Someone You Don’t Get To Control or Intimidate
Why Online Anonymity frightens Progressives The United States, as we know it today, was born in an anonymous debate.
Why Online Anonymity frightens Progressives The United States, as we know it today, was born in an anonymous debate.
Lena Dunham, who said she was quitting social media because she was upset with people body-shaming her, is back. She posted this pic for critique. Either she misses the abuse [Read More]
Confirmed by mechanics – someone tampered with his car wheel to have it fall off. DM -‘It was the middle of bloody nowhere, and I was caught in a very [Read More]
An Inconvenient Truth is Ten Years Old This Month The documentary was released in May of 2006, but Gore was saying the world was irreversibly doomed if we didn’t do [Read More]
Many question the veracity of much of what is claimed in this article, yet, Japan only has about 100,000 non-Japanese Muslims in a nation of 128 million. Japan has managed [Read More]
…dumb or a deadbeat. Possibly, both. They most likely support Bernie Sanders, or Hillary. They could be removed from society without any negative impact whatsoever. Via Moonbattery
Oh, same old same old. Put on my rubber Reagan mask, stripped naked and peeped in windows. You? ht/ rob e.
HT/ Sam S and Mr. Pete
The lesson the left has to learn is that this is not illegal, should never be illegal, and whether this is funny or not is up to the public to [Read More]
NYDN- “$4 to meet fellow white supremacists seems a bit steep considering how easy Trump has made it for you to be open about it,” user @alexpow tweeted to the [Read More]
What Happens When the Smartest Guy In Town Is a Clinical Moron? You get a town council like this town’s. Soon they will be watering lawns with Brawndo.
SEE HERE ht/ finai
HT/ DJWhamo
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