What Happens When the Smartest Guy In Town Is a Clinical Moron?
You get a town council like this town’s.
Soon they will be watering lawns with Brawndo.
What Happens When the Smartest Guy In Town Is a Clinical Moron?
You get a town council like this town’s.
Soon they will be watering lawns with Brawndo.
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Yeah…won’t your constituents be surprised when the tear gas, water cannon, and rubber bullets are returned from the rocks and bottles thrown. The first day of the year and I wonder how many contenders are in the wings for this year’s Darwin awards. For an idiot, he sure is a brainiac.
Who is mayor Willie Lantigua of Lawrence Ma for the daily double?
“Soon they will be watering lawns with Brawndo.”
What do you mean, soon? Where have you been the past seven years??
You throw the first stone, fatboy.
With IQs 1-2 standard deviations lower then white people, please list for me the successful black run cities. The combination of black and REgressivism is DUCK!
If I lived in a town that had morons like this on the city council, I’d move.
Uh councilman? I humbly suggest that you take a minute or two before you make a statement of magnitude like the one that was just recorded, broadcasted and put up on da ‘net. That is what is going to vindicate the KKK and every other so-called “hater” and anyone who advocates racial separation of any kind. Hey, you opened up your mouth and made the statement, no “Raaaacccciiiiissssttttt” white “person” made you do this.
Oh and did anybody notice that the local NBC affiliate broadcast this statement over the airwaves? Looks like media bias is being turned against the brothers!
If ignorance was corn flakes, this guy would be General Mills!
He needs to be busted down to Major Asshole…
The locals have been slugging at out on twitter and face book. How stupid can these people get?
The governor has asked the DA to look into charges of threatening the police. Wow, heavy duty move Gov/s
Has he been forced to resign yet? Has he been fired yet? Has he been arrested for inciting a riot? Has he been arrested for a hate crime? If not why not?
What language was he speaking?
I kinda made out “bollas” = “bottles”, “dallas” = “that will”.
But we need sub-titles.
And the stupid leaking out of this clown is unbelievable.
In effect, he wants a safe zone for petty criminals. If you steal in other jurisdictions we’ll protect you from arrest, if you make it here
Another idiot that never got past the stone age.
When is the recall vote scheduled for?
A perfect example of a Demonrat politician.
And voter.
And a strong case for de-evolution.
(Along with moslem savages)
Why does the MSM give any face time to this rabid monkey? I fully believe honorable black people are as embarrassed by this clown as anyone is.
It has electrolytes!
“Stokes stokes violence”
Ebonics and Apathetics – Whitey ain’t never listening so why bother talking to them.
I live in Mississippi and go to Jackson frequently. It has a well deserved reputation for black bigotry and violence. There are three rules for going to Jackson – go armed, be careful what parts of town you go to, keep your situational awareness high.
Stokes has long been known as an utter nitwit. If you look at the ward he represents you’ll understand why he’s on the city council.
Don’t be surprised if Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) from Houston shows up to lend her support, especially if there is a TV camera there. She’d probably help throw the rocks and bottles if it would not displace her crown weave or break a nail.
This crap pot is only saying clearly what Obama also advocates in a more subtle way.
Every village has their idiot. This one has a super gene idiot.
UPDATE He held a press conference. Says he was not inciting anybody, just that he would throw bricks rocks and bottles at police chasing suspects out of their jurisdiction and it’s up to black leadership to stop police hot pursuit across jurisdictions into Jackson. A lot of other stuff about racism, the State Police, the current “George Willace governor” the Justice Department, the FBI, the Confederate flag, “George Wallace” taking their airport away, and the Chinese.