Christmas Deejay – Willy’sGoat’sGruff
Black Christmas-
Black Christmas-
What is wrong with people? You just can’t claim a piece of the street as your own and put up a little house. And I cannot stand the dimwitted women [Read More]
Pretty strange that a black guy holding the highest office in America would obliquely tell immigrants that America is a racist country. HT/ Kathy Shaidle Ezra Levant, great as usual—->
ht/ magnum
WaitForIt asks- Why do politicians demand balkanization when people/countries are not getting along and then demand multiculturalism when peoples/countries are at peace?
English researchers have found a way to create a little electrical charge by walking around in piss soaked socks. No, not kidding. It’s not a lot of power, but was enough [Read More]
WFB: Hillary Clinton was asked by an attendee at her town hall meeting in Iowa Wednesday if she would sign a pledge saying that she would not accept money from the [Read More]
I fixed it for him—
Obama hates your colonial asses.
I guess I’m a dumb bastid. I always pictured an in-person, one on one vigorous interview that was conducted by a trained professional who had tricks and techniques designed to root [Read More]
Guy falls for a mural painted on a wall and smashes his car It wouldn’t have happened had he stopped to let the roadrunner cross.
This isn’t funny. We are in bad shape, folks. The education system has created a generation of, frankly, dangerous a$$holes. The lives that were lost preserving our constitution are in [Read More]
Watching this is eerie. It’s as if it is all taking place today. Powell saw the future for England. He saw the dangers of the left’s asinine multi-culturalism and the [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.