Let’s Register Them At Windows On the World
Absolutely stupid meme circulating amongst leftists on social media. Can’t Muslim immigrants take their entitlement checks and go wherever they like? ht/ illustr8r
Absolutely stupid meme circulating amongst leftists on social media. Can’t Muslim immigrants take their entitlement checks and go wherever they like? ht/ illustr8r
Here’s S.E. Cupp’s idiotic Townhall article where she says a Hillary presidency, instead of a Trump presidency, is preferred because it will save us from 50 years of Hillary-like presidencies and [Read More]
The Establishment’s only hope: Trump & me in a cage match. Sorry to disappoint —@realDonaldTrump is terrific. #DealWithIt — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 11, 2015
How do reasonable measured people respond to a nutbag like Trump, a guy who acts recklessly and quickly and without a dialogue? You act recklessly and quickly with no dialogue. [Read More]
According to dumbbell bespectacled bint, S.E. Cuppsize, this right already existed. So why the amendment? If Democrats wanted to destroy the United States, or transform our country into something unrecognizable, [Read More]
Let’s ask Muslims… honest Muslims. HT/ Kathy Shaidle
Kudos to the Virginia Tech coach for tutoring his athletes about the National Anthem, what it means and why you should respect it. (Now if we can tutor the singer [Read More]
It works magically, just like the gun-free zone signs. Image Credit: @UnsavoryAgents IJ Review ht/ JS
Breitbart: Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated that “we have very little background, very little knowledge” on the 20 million people who came to the US last year from favored nations [Read More]
Reading about how Russell dresses down a libtarded reporter calling for gun control is one thing. Listening to it is quite another. Man this is good.
Mighty fine machinery. ht/ magnum
This is simply flat out wrong, and I’ll tell you why. SanDiegoUnionTribune A local nonprofit is preparing to build San Diego’s first low-income apartment complex geared for senior citizens who [Read More]
Dave Blount asks you to “imagine the laughs if you told the media, ‘we’re not a racist organization at all; we’re just extremely pro-white.’” This is what a disgruntled group [Read More]
I was on the “S.E. Cupp is a moron” bandwagon long before it was cool to say so. This bint never fooled me for a second. From the moment she [Read More]
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