Articles by BFH
12 Year-Old Suspended Over Her Pants
No, they weren’t sagging. Daily Mail I dunno. This looks like what every kid in America has been wearing for the last 40 or 50 years.
#BLM protestor tries to shout down Trump
A Black Lives Matter protester (left, being ejected from the event) was thrown to ground and kicked by supporters at a Donald Trump (right) rally today as the Republican presidential [Read More]
Putin Battering ISIS so hard they are burying dead Muslims in Sh*t Pits
Express ISLAMIC State has been so heavily hit by Russian airstrikes it is dumping bodies of dead jihadis in Syrian sewage pits filled with human excrement rather than giving them [Read More]
The Left Looks To A Retarded Chimp In an Appeal To Authority
Listen, I’m not calling Dubya a retaded chimp, the left does. Always and forever, until now – Via Moonbattery ht/ magnum Bush then- now-
Jihadi suspect arrested in Sweden after crossing Arctic Circle on a BICYCLE to sneak into Europe via the backdoor
But there is no way in the world a terrorist would try and slip into country as a refugee. An Islamic State terror suspect crossed the Arctic Circle by bicycle [Read More]
Purse Snatching in Texas is Dealt With Swiftly
Barbara Walters’ suggestion that Melania’s ‘risky’ photoshoots may be a liability to her husband’s campaign
Yes, THIS BARBARA WALTERS asked her the question- Barbara Walters becomes Playboy bunny for a day. (A pretty risky photo shoot at the time.) Also, is she going to ask [Read More]
Caption Contest
Even though I scored big with Delta Burka, it’s not my favorite. That distinction goes to- Runners Up: -Whatever it is, it belongs to the ‘nation of isalami’ – MJA [Read More]
College Graduation Day Should Be Renamed: Safe Space Exit Day
What happens the moment these idiots are handed a sheepskin and don’t have their safe spaces anymore?
Video From Anonymous To ISIS
This sent shivers through Obama. ht/ tsunami
How Stupid is the Left? THIS STUPID- “The Statue of Liberty is a Muslim Woman”
“The Statue of Liberty is a Muslim Woman” How does leftist Yanan Wang come to this ludicrous statement, a statement meant to show “remarkable irony” given that the majority of [Read More]
French Artists in 1900 Were Asked To Draw What Life Would Be Like in the Year 2000
Not one of them predicted an onslaught of violent Muslims in France. Indoctrination? Check Still no with the flying cars
The Idiotic Fuddy Duddy Math of Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism
AEI Where to begin? Here are three things that immediately grabbed my attention, really the core of his indictment of market capitalism: 1) Sanders said the “reality is that for [Read More]