I’ve Got a Secret – Baseball Edition
Wait for the third guest –
Wait for the third guest –
Detroit is the capital of stealing electricity from neighbors. Will Mark Ruffalo come down to Detroit with his little megaphone and make a speech about how electricity is a right? [Read More]
“No sh!t!,” the wife exclaimed. A woman was told by just about everybody that her husband had suffered a fatal heart attack and was dead. She didn’t think so. She [Read More]
ht/ petrus
We did Barack’s Bullsh1t Bingo on iOwnTheWorld for Obama’s FIRST State of the Union Address – January 27th, 2010. We’ve been seeing various versions since then. We just did the Republican [Read More]
I’ll be working on the announcement later tonight. I’ll post it tomorrow.
Rappers, and the thugs who wanna be like them, are like the Taliban. They treat women like chattel. I don’t think they are going to run out and vote for [Read More]
It should be very entertaining. DONALD TRUMP TWITTER FEED ht/ Tammy
Chicago Cubs 2015 NL Division Championship. Next stop, NL Championship Series. Will it be versus the Mets or the Dodgers? (So much for how great the Cardinals were. I was [Read More]
Here we see Steven Tyler celebrating proudly.
Guest post by -John Velisek USN (Ret.) In the progressive mind, it is the right-wing, notably the Tea Party, that is “extremist.” Conservatives are labeled as fascist homophobes, and deranged [Read More]
If you just worked your ass off for him for a few years, he ignored you, intimidated you, sometimes humiliated you, took no interest in your advancement, and never learned [Read More]
Datto Inc has been revealed to have stored Hillary Clinton‘s emails – which contained national secrets – when it backed up her private server It claims it runs ‘data [Read More]
See HERE ht/ Petrus
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