BFH – Page 2088 – IOTW Report

Fisting Saved a Guy’s Life

Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 11:00 BFH 26

NEWSER – A bow hunter is alive and fairly well after surviving a grizzly bear attack, but what’s amazing is how he fought back. Chase Dellwo, 26, was hunting with [Read More]

Dubya to the rescue? Really?

Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 7:30 BFH 17

How idiotic is the Jeb campaign?  They think bringing George W. in will reinvigorate the presidential bid. Oh brother where art thou? Jeb’s campaign considers bringing in W in bid [Read More]

Lesbian Bishop is Mentally Ill

Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 2:07 BFH 35

NEWSl – The Bishop of Stockholm has proposed a church in her diocese remove all signs of the cross and put down markings showing the direction to Mecca for the benefit of [Read More]

The Black Bun Effect

Monday, 5 October 2015, 22:17 BFH 22

The black bun does something to you. Does it: – Make your teeth black? – Makes you sneeze – Makes your burps taste like licorice – Turns your Number Two [Read More]

What’s it doo doo?

Monday, 5 October 2015, 22:16 BFH 18

Burger King’s Black Halloween Burger Is Turning People’s Poop Green And They’re Freaking Out

Incident at Walmart

Monday, 5 October 2015, 21:59 BFH 100

I’m not going to read this over, or edit it. I just want to blog this real quick. Sorry for any errors. I had to go to Staples for some [Read More]

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