Then he’ll move on to restrictions with the 1st amendment.
Then he’ll move on to restrictions with the 1st amendment.
Did I just call the dead son an idiot? No. I said “apparently.” I’m still open to the possibility that Beau, wide-eyed, feeling death upon him, said, “promise me you [Read More]
NEWSER – A bow hunter is alive and fairly well after surviving a grizzly bear attack, but what’s amazing is how he fought back. Chase Dellwo, 26, was hunting with [Read More]
How idiotic is the Jeb campaign? They think bringing George W. in will reinvigorate the presidential bid. Oh brother where art thou? Jeb’s campaign considers bringing in W in bid [Read More]
Isn’t it a micro-aggression to make me feel like crap because I can’t afford a $25,000 airline ticket? Also, Drinks on a Muslim plane?
NEWSl – The Bishop of Stockholm has proposed a church in her diocese remove all signs of the cross and put down markings showing the direction to Mecca for the benefit of [Read More]
Keep posting this on social media. Force libjerks to watch this. America is wayyyyyyyyy down the list on murders per 100,000 people, and that’s even after including liberal sh!tholes like Detroit, [Read More]
Al Roker is a jerk. He takes a selfie in front of an accident in South Carolina where the road was washed out. What the hell are they SMILING ABOUT?????? [Read More]
The black bun does something to you. Does it: – Make your teeth black? – Makes you sneeze – Makes your burps taste like licorice – Turns your Number Two [Read More]
Burger King’s Black Halloween Burger Is Turning People’s Poop Green And They’re Freaking Out
I’m not going to read this over, or edit it. I just want to blog this real quick. Sorry for any errors. I had to go to Staples for some [Read More]
Video ht/ Petrus
“Oh… So body shaming is okay after all?” -AvgDude 12 Are we at the point where it’d be justified to just beat the sh!t out of the left, for God and Country? [Read More]
A friend of mine (his name rhymes with Dippy Shmitic) was onto this a long time ago, but with blacks. He said the environment was so fraught with tension, with “rules” [Read More]
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