Terror Threat Is High
Via Jerry Manderin
Via Jerry Manderin
“I love you my little darling, BUT I’M GOING TO SUE THE BASTARDS THAT DID THIS TO ME!” ^Not the best message to send to your child.^ Maybe she should [Read More]
…we had The Friedman Salute
Something seems off –
What a friggin buffoon
… who is worshipped by mass-murdering sh!tstains who should be eradicated from Earth ASAP. TruthRevolt- Parents at a middle school in Spring Hill, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville, are upset [Read More]
Update: We have our winner. Second person who sends 6 songs to bigfurhat.mail@gmail.com is tomorrow’s deejay.
I’m not going to censor this headline. Sorry if anyone is offended. The veep used these very words, so I’m going to. This moron just said China is in North [Read More]
Racist Soap Dispenser Pt 2
Moonbattery – Those who have extremely strong stomachs, are not at work, and do not have children nearby are invited to see for themselves what the triumph of liberalism has [Read More]
Video ht/ Magnum
This the THE farmer’s daughter-
It is all too common in China, and some other Asian countries, to put the car in reverse and hit your victim a second, third, fourth (whatever it takes) time, [Read More]
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