BFH – Page 2122 – IOTW Report

There Goes My Hero

Thursday, 3 September 2015, 9:44 BFH 12

hahaha CNN is reporting on the guy who wouldn’t shame Rahm’s hand rn — Brandon Wall (@Walldo) September 3, 2015 H/Jason Chisel

Saying He and She is Hurtful

Thursday, 3 September 2015, 0:45 BFH 45

How good is life in America where the biggest problem in someone’s life is that someone called them “she”? I think some of these sh!theads need to visit a village [Read More]

I Need a Deejay

Wednesday, 2 September 2015, 22:42 BFH 15

Update: We have our deejay. Noon tomorrow, Maryjane Anklestraps will be spinning tunes for the lunch hour. Send 6 songs. 6th emailer that puts Deejay in the subject line will [Read More]

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