Articles by BFH
Woman Has Fur Ball Removed…. From .. Her… Yup
When I read this I thought it was parody, fake, folklore. Apparently it’s real.
Lunchtime Deejay – Mary Jane Anklestraps
For the lunch hour —– click more
What’s Wrong With This Libtweet?
Only a proggy could foul up a meme so hilariously. (Yes, yes, I know some states have regulations for these…) Let's try this and see how fast conservatives start insisting [Read More]
Dancing Baby is all growed up
^ Click him in the ass for the video Idea for dancing baby by Jason Chisel –
Appeals Court Upholds Display of Jesus Statue
ACLJ– Yesterday, we helped deliver a stunning defeat to angry atheists attempting to tear down a war heroes’ memorial. We have been fighting to defend the World War II memorial [Read More]
There Goes My Hero
hahaha CNN is reporting on the guy who wouldn’t shame Rahm’s hand rn — Brandon Wall (@Walldo) September 3, 2015 H/Jason Chisel
Saying He and She is Hurtful
How good is life in America where the biggest problem in someone’s life is that someone called them “she”? I think some of these sh!theads need to visit a village [Read More]
Clinton Staffer Who Set Up Server Is Pleading the Fifth If Subpoenaed
Wapo- The move by Bryan Pagliano, who had worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009, came in a Monday [Read More]
I Need a Deejay
Update: We have our deejay. Noon tomorrow, Maryjane Anklestraps will be spinning tunes for the lunch hour. Send 6 songs. 6th emailer that puts Deejay in the subject line will [Read More]
No, Roseanne, The Bible Joke Wasn’t Brave
Norm MacDonald goes after a poofter comedian and his fawning judge, Roseanne, who said a Bible joke was “brave.” Norm wasn’t buying it.
Poor Me Magazine
The People’s Cube
First Rule of Children’s Fight Club…
CBS- Two New Jersey women faced charges Monday for allegedly staging a “fight club” among boys and girls at a day carecenter, Union County prosecutors said. As CBS2’s Christine Sloan [Read More]
Say What You Will About The Donald – He Did Manage To Reveal Jeb Bush is Everything His Supporters Accused Trump of Being
Jeb Bush is thin-skinned and can’t resist getting into an adolescent tit-for-tat dick measuring contest with Donald Trump. Their back and forth with the attack ads and videos puts them pretty [Read More]