Okay – This is funny
Bad Brad sent this in. He knows what I’ll post!
Bad Brad sent this in. He knows what I’ll post!
Newsflash to both Donald Trump and Ann Coulter: that wall you’re saying the U.S. needs to build along its border with Mexico…it mostly exists.
Did you know that building a wall along Mexico to keep illegal border jumpers out of the country is just like building THE BERLIN WALL!!!??!! This is what Joy Reid [Read More]
Before I get to the story about what a Jimmy John’s employee did to a police officer I want to just say that Jimmy John’s are to sandwiches as Yugos [Read More]
Listen to this trooper, Eric Devers, exerting all of his energy to keep a man alive. HT/ Boobie the Rocket Dog
See this headline? This was about LePage’s program where welfare recipients are required to pass a drug test to continue receiving benefits. So far, 100 people have been identified for future [Read More]
Obama should be calling him any day now. David Denson plays for the Milwaukee Brewers farm team. He just came out of the closet and is getting plenty of ink [Read More]
NY Post– Mayor de Blasio’s patronage mill is churning out junk jobs funded with taxpayer money for longtime pals, campaign grunts and acolytes. In addition to creating a $150,000 post [Read More]
KTLA – James Harrison’s two young sons recently received “participation trophies” for athletics. That didn’t sit well with their father, an NFL linebacker and two-time Super Bowl champion, who expressed [Read More]
Don’t we all have these heartwarming memories? Video ^
American tourist claims he was held captive and sexually assaulted by his transexual Airbnb host in Spain Jacob Lopez, 19, claims the assault happened on July 4 in Madrid, Spain He [Read More]
Moonbattery It’s like living in an Onion parody of obsequious totalitarian dhimmitude. The words “pork” and “pig” are following the Confederate flag down the memory hole, lest they offend hostile [Read More]
These smug imbeciles, these paid know-nothings, completely get wrong when and what the Joe Biden plagiarism scandal was all about. And no, this isn’t a case of CNN deliberately mischaracterizing [Read More]
Get out your scorecards, people. We have a dude that likes men and thinks he should be a woman. He meets a guy who says he likes women, but also [Read More]
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