Tonight’s Soothiness Via Bayouwulf
Via The Feral Irishman
Via The Feral Irishman
Steyn doesn’t pull any punches, even during ongoing litigation. So Willie Soon wound up on the front of The New York Times, and Mann & Co may yet succeed in destroying [Read More]
It was 3 years ago today that I created the ubiquitous Breitbart Is Here image. It was Lucianne who was up late and saw the post and made it viral [Read More]
Posted by Michael Strickland A new study from the Freedom Foundation in Washington state has uncovered several former teachers who have had their teaching licenses revoked due to things such as child molestation and [Read More]
This time it’s a WAPO noodnik that thought he had Scott Walker in a Palin-esque gotcha. Unfortunately for the idiot writer, just as Palin always emerges victorious from the gotchas, [Read More]
HT/ Mel WGN – One million dollars is being offered for the best idea to combat youth violence in Chicago. The University of Chicago crime lab is working with the [Read More]
Hennessey and Bugatti are the Hatfield and McCoys of car building. Wired- The Hennessey Venom GT has set a speed record for a production car after hitting 270.49 mph on [Read More]
1. It’s insensitive to Asians 2. It looks like he’s mocking transgenders 3. He looks like a drug addict 4. The principal wears her hair that way
Mother angered by school’s ponytail drugs claim A mother has branded her son’s primary school “ridiculous” after it linked his hairstyle to drug-taking. The 11 year-old is named Joe Head.
Here, SNL, we fixed your ISIS skit for you. Dr. Tar had the idea. I cobbled it together.
Tomi Lahren – Be forewarned, I’ve seen the entire clip. She opens with – “Some 22 year-olds idolize people like Kim Kardashian or Jay Z, but myself, I’m more of a [Read More]
Chicago Tribune When it comes to marijuana, the majority of young Republicans are far close to the Democratic view than they are to older members of their own party. Pew [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.