Local Gubmint Makes Mistake on Signs – They Just May Roll With It
North Hempstead Long Island officials made a mistake. They printed up a bunch of Pick Up Your Dog Crap or Else, signs. They intended on having it say that the [Read More]
North Hempstead Long Island officials made a mistake. They printed up a bunch of Pick Up Your Dog Crap or Else, signs. They intended on having it say that the [Read More]
It’s been offline for quite awhile. The FBI has been hearing chatter about imminent cyber attacks in the U.S. Before anyone thinks we’re overstating this possibility, consider that World Net Daily [Read More]
Neither. Granny Jan reports that it’s a great rebuttal photoshop. (Original below)
Ozzy Osbourne ht/ chris cassone
Is it racist of whites to hope that America produces nicer black people? ROCK: Here’s the thing. When we talk about race relations in America or racial progress, it’s all [Read More]
There are pleasure centers in the brain that light up when people experience a moment that makes them feel superior to others. One of the ways to get that high, [Read More]
Story at Pamela Geller
According to the Washington Post, writer Sabrina Erderly set her sites on writing a story about college rape. One wonders now if coming up snake eyes on any sensational stories [Read More]
GSN A delegate at this week’s UMNO party general assembly has warned that LGBTI equal rights would lead to lesbians bringing home girls with larger breasts than their mothers, while [Read More]
The alleged impostor in the video has taken down his Facebook page. I say alleged just to cover our asses. Most likely he’s guilty. But I don’t enjoy watching some of [Read More]
*TK* means “To Come.” People Magazine accidentally published Kirk Douglas’s obit on their website. It’s not everyone that gets to read what’s going to be written about you when you’re [Read More]
Daily Mail A gang of teenagers used hammers to beat a man to death after they attacked his car early on Sunday morning in an apparently random attack. Zemir Begic [Read More]
And well they should. The display of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” is like walking around holding up bloodied gloves and pretending they don’t fit, in solidarity with OJ. This statement [Read More]
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