NYC: No guns under your bed
AmmoLand Buckeye, AZ –-( Another professional athlete is in hot water over a gun. New York Knicks starting Point Guard, Raymond Felton Was arrested on February 25 2014 on two [Read More]
AmmoLand Buckeye, AZ –-( Another professional athlete is in hot water over a gun. New York Knicks starting Point Guard, Raymond Felton Was arrested on February 25 2014 on two [Read More]
Automotive News Tesla, Alliance seek U.S. regulators’ OK to ditch side mirrors The original concept version of the Tesla Model X crossover, shown in 2012, used cameras instead of side [Read More]
Fur, There’s this old timer in town whose wife passed away last week. I only met her once or twice when she came with him to a Christmas dinner or [Read More]
Washington Times Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that [Read More]
Clash Daily PERSONAL SECURITY: Fool Me Once, Shame On Me May there be no surprise… about your security. Surprise is a killer. Alfred de Vigny’s famous poem “The Wolf’s Death” [Read More]
It doesn’t get any better, more professional, clever and fun than TPC. The People’s Cube is Nine Years Old!
HT/ FDR in Hell
billdancefishing .
Tammy Bruce Feds: $400,000 For Camel Art. In Pakistan. Yes, our tax $$$. Hard at work.
MRC Gosnell Movie to Unveil the ‘Most Prolific Serial Killer’ Independent filmmaker raises funds to bypass Gosnell media censorship.
Newsmax Former Sen. Bob Kerrey said President Barack Obama must have known he was lying when he told Americans they could keep their insurance plans under his signature healthcare reform [Read More]
A British sniper in Afghanistan managed to pull off the double hat trick with only one bullet. Read the story here
Newsmax Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was forthcoming in response to an Oklahoma City news reporter’s questions about Obamacare on the last day for sign-ups — until he [Read More]
The Boy Scoots agreed to have openly gay scouts, but not masters. Some Methodist church bucked this and hired a queer to lead a troop. The Boy Scouts heard about [Read More]
h/t Rusty Anvil billdancefishing Bill Dance’s Hilarious Goof Ups and Funny Moments #1 . ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.