Cardigan – Page 114 – IOTW Report

Blame The Dog

Monday, 2 February 2015, 0:00 Cardigan 0

A man is going to pick a girl up for a date, but before he goes his mom offers him his favorite baked beans. He couldn’t resist and ended up [Read More]


Sunday, 1 February 2015, 18:00 Cardigan 0 [yazchat] ‘Taxifornia’ author James Lacy weighs in on a California law that could drive up the prices of eggs and the state’s potential mileage fee for drivers. Fox Business: [Read More]

Major 11th Hour Victory for Israel at the UN

Saturday, 3 January 2015, 22:00 Cardigan 0

ACLJ— The United Nations has rejected a resolution that could have crippled Israel, imposing on it indefensible borders and forcing hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from their homes. more

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