WWII Veteran Gets His Wings Back
A World War II veteran who was stripped of his medals nearly 75 years ago was repinned on Saturday. Virgil Westdale was part of the most decorated battalion in military [Read More]
A World War II veteran who was stripped of his medals nearly 75 years ago was repinned on Saturday. Virgil Westdale was part of the most decorated battalion in military [Read More]
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I made a comment on a post by MJA “Watch: Trump Supporters Protest DACA Amnesty Outside Feinstein’s Office“: The talk of no amnesty for DACA until the wall is built [Read More]
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Gateway Pundit – The Los Angeles Police Department has been denied $3 Million in federal aid for “law enforcement”. While there is no official announcement as to why, it quite [Read More]
We all have great places we know that serve the best *whatever* you’ve ever had. There have been several posts that got off track with commenters telling us where they [Read More]
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I have been participating in YouGov surveys for many years. It started as a fun thing to do and a way to make a little money (100,000 points gets you [Read More]
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Planned Parenthood under investigation by Justice Department over sale of fetal tissue Fox News – The Justice Department has launched a federal investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices and the sale [Read More]
Images from: africageographic.com amazing-creature.blogspot.com animals-photos.net demilked.com foodsnet.blogspot.com forum.xcitefun.net pinterest.com visualjokes.com
Starry Night and Van Gogh on Dark Water Watching this “work of art”, I was wondering where it was going. It was fascinating watching the process, but the end had [Read More]
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Such a gentle touch. What was the kitty thinking? The birdie?
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