Speaking of Gavin McInnes
Trump’s military trans ban was the right decision, says Gavin.
Trump’s military trans ban was the right decision, says Gavin.
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John Heard, Dad from “Home Alone”, Dead at 72 Fox News – John Heard, the actor best known for his role as the dad in the original “Home Alone” movies, [Read More]
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“What happens if you say that and someone gets offended?” “Well, they can be offended.” Steve Hughes: Watch from 3:20 – 5:40, but it’s all good. Just a bit of [Read More]
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Halfway across the globe And we’re standing on new ground Screaming ‘cross the waves You can’t hear a sound There’s no fair trials, no trade, no liberties No tea We’ve [Read More]
Jury rules Manhattan-based charity is front for Iranian regime; feds seize its NYC building. Conservative Review – Jury rules Manhattan-based charity is front for Iranian regime; feds seize its NYC [Read More]
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Fox News – Ivan Stoltzfus, 70, was a successful farmer for 30 years near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. [snip] Stoltzfus always wanted to drive across the country, like his father did for [Read More]
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You must watch this. Click on the link: HERE and scroll down to the video posted by Bob Hagh. Make sure the volume is turned on. You. Must. Watch! LINK
Everyone in Minnesota knows that Mark Dayton is insane. Even the liberals. But he is THEIR insane Governor. Here is what happened in a nut (see what I did!?) shell: [Read More]
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