Look Deep Into My Eyes
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Images from: 1adventure.com amier09.deviantart.com en.wikipedia.org galleryhip.com lasikmd.com memeaddicts.com mousetribe.webs.com somepets.com theatlantic.com
The Most Important News These days, you need permission from the government to do just about anything, including feeding yourself or others. Do you own a car? Every year, you [Read More]
Now, let’s see if the mailman’s son will sign the bill. MORE
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Hint: Just make sure you drink a full cup of STRONG coffee before watching. *Sledge Brew*
Ted Nugent – America made our “We the People” statement.
Why? Trump WON! Images from: aaanything.net animal-photos.org animals.timduru.org awallpapersgallery.blogspot.com blog.posterjack.ca blogu.lu fineartamerica.com gracetheglobe.wordpress.com justcuteanimals.com pinterest.com
From D.C.Clothesline November 8th dawned bright for you. You woke up, confident that social justice would prevail and that the first woman president of the United States was going to [Read More]
An interview with Mel Gibson from CBN News. Mel talks about the new movie he has out, “Hacksaw Ridge”. It’s based on a true story of Desmond Doss in WWII. [Read More]
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No, I don’t mean invite Hillary to your party!!!! Images from: 420chan.blogspon.com dailymail.co.uk eventful.com hotpenguin.net joke-of-the-day.com justcuteanimals.com lynndove.com mydisguises.com pinterest.com smallanimalchannel.com sopets.com themccouns.blogspot.com travaasa.com
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Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is giving some advice to leaders of his own party: Don’t ignore the voters. “Here’s my message to the Republican Party leaders: Focus more on listening [Read More]
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