Articles by Claudia
Buy More Guns and Learn How to Use Them
Breibart On December 29, actor James Woods reacted to newly released details of the heinous November 10 murder of Amanda Blackburn by urging Americans to “buy more guns and learn [Read More]
Hey Thugs, Don’t Mess With His Girlfriend
Conservative Tribune Two of the thugs approached McCarthy and demanded his wallet and phone, which he handed over as one had a knife. But his instincts really kicked in when [Read More]
Black Lives Matter is the new Occupy
Breitbart News has given #BlackLivesMatter more detailed, deep, and honest coverage than any other media outlet on the planet in 2015, and for good reason. From covering every major protest [Read More]
What Would You Say to Obama?
During the Christmas break, I finally had time to read and watch some of the many items I bookmarked over the last few months. One I found particularly compelling was [Read More]
Sarah Palin Turns The Tables On Tina Fey
BB4SP Over the weekend on SNL, Tina Fey reprised her role as Sarah Palin. But today Fey’s years-long gag has an answer from Palin, who reversed roles and played Fey [Read More]
Nollaig shona dhuit!
Gaelic for “Merry Christmas!” Pronounce it something like: Null-eg hunna ghwitch
Cruz Christmas Classics
Ted Cruz reads classic Christmas books to his family. The stories have been changed a bit to annoy the guilty. h/t C. Steven Tucker from Twitter
Who Needs Congress?
Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congress Washington Examiner – Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the climate agreement reached this week in Paris did not contain any [Read More]
We will utterly destroy ISIS
Washington Post DES MOINES — Sen. Ted Cruz said here Saturday that the 2016 presidential race has entered a more serious phase following the shooting massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., [Read More]
Awwww, Is This Ever Cute
Husband At Store Catches Himself Looking At Woman in Another Line. That’s When He Realizes… Jason Hewlett is an entertainer from Utah. He bills himself as a professional emcee, comedian, [Read More]
White Police Chief Loses It and Tells the Blunt TRUTH About Black Crime
Video: Police Chief Edward Flynn discusses a shooting of a black thug by a police officer. During a meeting about the shooting, Mr. Flynn was on his cellphone. This upset [Read More]