Articles by Claudia
Silent Monks Find A Way To Sing Hallelujah?
from A group of high school students came up with the idea of what it would be like to sing Hallelujah for a group of monks under a vow [Read More]
Obama Dances on Graves of Shooting Victims…
…even before they were counted, identified or buried. from Conservative Tribune Sheriff Over Oregon Shooting Investigation Wrote SHOCKING Letter To Obama Admin 2 Years Ago
Remember Bowe Bergdahl?
from AP Military selects rarely used charge for Bowe Bergdahl case Military prosecutors have reached into a section of military law seldom used since World War II in the politically [Read More]
Palin as Energy Secretary in Trump Admin?
from Conervative Tribune Palin Makes Epic Promise To Trump: Hire Me And I’ll Shut Them Down That famous, feisty conservative from Wasilla, Alaska — Sarah Palin — may not be [Read More]
Gotcha Questions From the Media
Remember when Ted Cruz refused to answer Megyan Kelly’s question about anchor babies? The Hayride has a very good analysis of that interview. “But Cruz politely refuses to go there, [Read More]
Wrong Side of Heaven
Lifted from Rando’s post in the Bullpen Click for video