Articles by Claudia
Holy ????????
WHAT is this?
Happy 123123 Eve
Images from: 1) PHenry (Jack or Jackie) Perhaps I have spoiled him. Vet appointment in early January. We’ll then know gender. I am not qualified to determine gender. But I [Read More]
Auld Lang Syne
A short Holiday story by Mary M. Isaacs. This story is a sequel to Christ Child’s Lullaby. Read it HERE.
Dancing Baby
Keep watching…
I’m Ashamed …
… that I laughed all 20 times I watched this!
Merry Christmas Eve
Our neighbors on another street would build one of these every year that there was a decent snow. We haven’t had a good snow for a few years now on [Read More]
Merry Christmas Critters
Images from: 1) Bayouwulf (Penny and Ernie) Merry Christmas!2) Jeannine (Frank) My festive Frank.3) SNS (Duke) Merry Christmas from Santa Duke!4,5) Old Guy (Violet) stalking a tasty ornament.6) Claudia (Sammy) [Read More]
Christ Child’s Lullaby
A Christmas Holiday Mary M. Isaacs short story. Read the story HERE