A short story by Mary M. Isaacs. His wife came into the room mid-sentence. As usual. Enter talking, he thought, automatically. “…so I thought, we should go to the park! [Read More]
A short story by Mary M. Isaacs. His wife came into the room mid-sentence. As usual. Enter talking, he thought, automatically. “…so I thought, we should go to the park! [Read More]
h/t Dadof4
EyeDropMedia has a very interesting video I just watched on Gab. I will try to link to it and see if it will play for you. This link should take [Read More]
“Strength” – A Short Froglegs Special Presentation
Images from: 1 Capt. Pat – Feeding an Orphan.2 Not at all confused (Red Shafted Flicker)3 Not at all confused (hawk) A member of the too numerous invasive species clan [Read More]
Go Home and Pet Your Dog I nearly passed out laughing. I forgot to breathe!
Townhall – Parler’s gone for now, the victim of a conspiracy to silence, but it will return. The fascists can try, but they can’t shut us up forever. Truth flows [Read More]
The governor called on more 1,000 guardsmen to help keep thepeace amid threats of violence leading up to the inauguration. Patch – LOS ANGELES — California Gov. Gavin Newsom called [Read More]
Images from: 1 Debbie (Mr. Myler) Mr. Myler’s ready for his Champaign to celebrate the end of 2020!2 bluebird of bitterness (Bessie and Oscar)3 bluebird of bitterness (Figaro)4 Capt. Pat [Read More]
The White House announced this Executive Order by President Trump. It addresses the “Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies”. It’s happening.
Gab has their own servers. They are slow or not responding the last few days because millions of deplorables are joining. They are adding more servers quite furiously in order [Read More]
Images from: 1 Douglas Wakeman (Nissa and Annie) Back in 2003 I rescued two squirrel babies, Annie and Rush. Annie stuck around the area for a few years. Here she [Read More]
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