The Mother Of All Real Estate Bubbles
There are 1.4 billion Chinese, yet the nation has 50 million homes sitting vacant. Because of all the government incentives to over-build, the Chinese have been putting up cheap, junky [Read More]
There are 1.4 billion Chinese, yet the nation has 50 million homes sitting vacant. Because of all the government incentives to over-build, the Chinese have been putting up cheap, junky [Read More]
A Kitchener, Ontario man decked his 20 foot high shrubbery with Christmas lights, along with the rounded bushes that flank the tall central feature. Folks in the neighborhood have begun talking about the [Read More]
Written in 1929 by British composer Victor Hely-Hutchinson (1901-1947), the Carol Symphony’s four movements incorporate an number of seasonal tunes into the 24:50 minute piece. Listen Here
Remember all the happy talk about Inspector Generals and Prosecutors within the Department of Justice were going to sort things out and get to the bottom of the FISA / [Read More]
A questionnaire conducted by GraphicSpring asked those using Google Survey what they’d change about Santa Claus to make him more modern. The good news is that the majority, both here and in the [Read More]
Most people will put an angel or a star atop of their Christmas tree, not this guy. Hint: Think fat, ugly and Flint. Here
There will be no obnoxious barriers to keep visitors away from America’s parks and monuments during this latest federal government shut down. Operations that require staffing (visitor’s centers, gift shops, camp [Read More]
Named Sweeper, the robotic pepper pickers camera can determine if the fruit (peppers are fruit, right?) is ripe, then with a tiny saw it harvests and drops the pepper gently [Read More]
Pew Research is asking if you can tell the difference between factual statements and those that are popular opinion. Quiz Here I managed to ace this particular test, so that must mean you can [Read More]
Never say the Scots don’t have their own particular sense of humor. In Glasgow, it seems traffic cones have another use. Here
In other words, the USPS’s position is sort of like not being forced into producing a wedding cake that depicts something they don’t believe in, based on religious grounds. -bfh [Read More]
Remy launched a new video yesterday. In the spirit of giving, it celebrates the subsidies handed out by our federal government to people who purchase electric cars this holiday season. Watch – Twenty-one ‘rare’ Scotch whiskies out of 55 tested over a period of more than nine months were either ‘outright fakes’ or not distilled in the year declared on [Read More]
Yahoo: ‘TRUMP IS A TRAITOR’: Minneapolis man installs political holiday light display, and the locals love it. * Christmas just won’t be complete without stories of those who are deficient [Read More]
The Body Language Ghost observed James Comey spouting the usual tripe to the press after his second grilling before the House. The former head of the FBI came off not [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.