Iran Lying About Western Firms Doing Business There
In an apparent ploy to trick companies to do business with the Islamic Republic, Iran has been placing false stories in its local media claiming specific firms have cut deals [Read More]
In an apparent ploy to trick companies to do business with the Islamic Republic, Iran has been placing false stories in its local media claiming specific firms have cut deals [Read More]
She was supposed to represent the fight for women to receive equal pay. It turns out the parent company, State Street Corp, the firm behind “Fearless Girls” has settled with the U.S. Department [Read More]
` Judicial Watch has forced the government to surrender documents describing a coordinated effort between Obama’s IRS, HHS and a White House behavioral science team to send a threatening letter to [Read More]
UPDATE: “Caked” and “Encrusted”— Yikes! Zilla has a post over at DaTechGuy telling us how ‘love’ wasn’t the only ingredient the FDA was interested in. Seems the company has some [Read More]
Following Jimmy Kimmel’s slanderous false diatribe against all those who won’t be stampeded into surrendering the 2nd Amendment, street artist Sabo pasted posters on benches and light posts around L.A. mocking the late night [Read More]
Claire Gastañaga of the American Civil Liberties Union was to speak on first amendment rights of students at William and Mary College last night, but students associated with Black Lives [Read More]
Donald Trump had no honeymoon from the press during his first 100 days in office. It was instead a nonstop attack on the oval office that is unprecedented treatment for modern presidents of [Read More]
Why, it’s just not fair that Republicans that control state houses can arrange voting districts so that liberals who don’t want to appeal to votes outside their comfort zone keep [Read More]
Declaring that the 2nd Amendment is the length of a tweet, “the LA Times” asks its readers to write a better statement of right to bear arms. Some of these [Read More]
The West Point communist, 2nd Lieutenant Spenser Rapone, is a symptom of a much more serious problem in the leadership of our nation’s military. The affliction was caused by eight years of using our armed [Read More]
The drag on the economy of unnecessary government regulations is in the trillions, annually but the executive in charge in the White House is keeping his promise to free up the American people from [Read More]
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It’s only a matter of when, not if, we will create artificial intelligence that for all intents and purposes will do human activities better than we can. Whether the thinking machines will be [Read More]
Founded in 1967, Monarch Airlines was the oldest British carrier to have not changed its name. The firm had flights through the Eastern Mediterranean, with service to Egypt, Cyprus and [Read More]
Back in January there was an effort to ruin President Trump’s inaugural calling itself “DistruptJ20.” There were officers injured and multiple arrest made on January 20th, as well as significant property damage in [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.