MJA – Page 222 – IOTW Report

Farm Dog Of The Year?

Tuesday, 19 December 2023, 14:00 MJA 12

The Dogington Post: The dog who killed 8 coyotes to protect a flock of sheep and made headlines late last year is nominated for the Farm Dog Of The Year Award [Read More]

Ashley Biden owes $5,000 in income taxes

Tuesday, 19 December 2023, 8:00 MJA 20

NYPost: President Biden’s daughter Ashley owes approximately $5,000 in income taxes, according to lien documents obtained by The Post Monday. The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue’s Philadelphia County office informed the 42-year-old that a $5,079.44 tax [Read More]

Fall of the Cabal Parts 4-5-6

Tuesday, 19 December 2023, 0:00 MJA 8

Fall of the Cabal Parts 4-5-6 Host Bill Quinn brings the Sequel to Fall of the Cabal to the air – Parts 1-3This series created by Janet Ossebaard and Cynthia [Read More]

Depravity On The Loose!

Monday, 18 December 2023, 14:00 MJA 10

CFP: Shockingly, the stunning obscenity of Democrat Senator Ben Cardin staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski’s gay sex tape—filmed in the Senate and gone viral over the internet—doesn’t end there. Unfortunately, in these [Read More]

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