Articles by MJA
Ready for Trick or Treaters?
I think these would work in a pinch… via Pleated Jeans
Podesta Email: Hillary Acting “Retarded,” Stinks
Once again, Scooter’s on the case! WORLD NEWS BUREAU – The latest released batch of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta indicates concerns within the campaign for Clinton’s [Read More]
Student of the Month
Drunk student crashes into parked police car attempting topless Snapchat selfie. EAG: BRYAN, Texas – A Texas A&M freshman spent the night in Jail Wednesday after Bryan police allege she crashed [Read More]
The Anthony Weiner Costume
Dan Piraro Bizarro Comics h/t Rob.
CA: Former state senator sentenced to 42 months in prison for corruption
CalWatchdog: Headed for a sizable jail term, ex-state Sen. Ronald Calderon, caught in a sting that laid bare his role in an influence-peddling scheme, has reached the likely end of his political career. [Read More]
Who needs help in your district?
Tell us about your representative ! This guy isn’t in my district, but I heard him on the radio a few days ago and he seems alright. He’s taking a lot [Read More]
PatriotRetort: Who else watched Hillary’s very, very brief presser about Weinergate last night? As brief as it was, boy was it bizarre. First, whoever instructed Hillary to smile through the [Read More]
Truckload of manure dumped in front of Democratic Headquarters
Well, it’s nothing as exciting as the firebombing and graffiti of the Republican HQ’s, but at least this is ‘Green’. Hope they put it to good use. Get the story HERE [Read More]
WikiLeaks: Dem strategist emails Podesta – guess who he names as Obama admin’s biggest Republican ally
Cain: When Lindsey Graham isn’t sucking up to John McCain, you can bet your bottom dollar he’s busy helping a Democrat advance the left’s agenda. Whether he’s attacking “wacko birds” [Read More]
Rolling Stone publisher apologizes to embattled ex-UVA dean
NYP:CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner apologized in a deposition to the former University of Virginia dean who is suing the magazine for defamation — but said he [Read More]
Anti-establishment Pirates in tight race to win Icelandic election
REYKJAVIK (Reuters) – Iceland’s anti-establishment Pirate Party is in a tight race to become the largest party in parliament after an election on Saturday called when the prime minister resigned [Read More]
Oh, please, no
Secretary of State, Joe Biden… Click! ^
Forget Baked Goods, This Christian School Knows How to Raise Funds!
Bearing Arms: Bake sales, car washes, magazine sales and wrapping paper are the norm, but how’s this for a school fundraiser? Central Fellowship Christian Academy in Macon, GA is raffling [Read More]