Podesta Email: Hillary Acting “Retarded,” Stinks – IOTW Report

Podesta Email: Hillary Acting “Retarded,” Stinks

Once again, Scooter’s on the case!

WORLD NEWS BUREAU – The latest released batch of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta indicates concerns within the campaign for Clinton’s behavior after she suffered a serious head injury. He says in one email, “People are telling me Hillary is acting “like a retard” since her head injury,” telling his staff to contact her doctor.  MORE

17 Comments on Podesta Email: Hillary Acting “Retarded,” Stinks

  1. To me its sad.
    She’s an old, old lady, propped up and enabled by sycophants.
    If she wasn’t in politics she would be another Howard Hughes (without any talent) holed up somewhere, rotting from the head down.

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