MJA – Page 3685 – IOTW Report

Anxious Dems urge Clinton to open up

Friday, 9 September 2016, 16:15 MJA 23

TheHill: Democratic senators, anxious over Hillary Clinton’s inability to pull away from Donald Trump, have some advice for their nominee: Be more open, show your soul, focus on the economy [Read More]

India: You must use toilets!

Friday, 9 September 2016, 14:00 MJA 15

WashingtonPost:  NEW DELHI — India’s government has been on a public toilet building spree. Now, it’s trying to shame people into using them. An aggressive new campaign ridicules those who are [Read More]

Give em an inch, they’ll take a billion

Friday, 9 September 2016, 7:15 MJA 13

DailyCaller: Georgetown Slave Descendants Want A BILLION Dollar Reconciliation Fund. The descendants of slaves sold by Georgetown University are calling on the school to create a billion-dollar “Reconciliation Fund,” one week [Read More]


Friday, 9 September 2016, 1:15 MJA 11

Bio: Drummer for Metallicat  #1 hit– Enter Sandbox Other hits: The Mouse Remains Master of Catnip Fade to Calico Tied to the Scratching Post The Dog That Failed Favorite bands– [Read More]

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