Sanders isn’t dropping out
BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — Pressing his “political revolution” to turn its attention to defeating Donald Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he will work with Hillary Clinton to transform [Read More]
BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — Pressing his “political revolution” to turn its attention to defeating Donald Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he will work with Hillary Clinton to transform [Read More]
DailyCaller: With the U.S. set to cut its forces in Afghanistan by nearly half by the end of the year, and an expectation for a violent Taliban fighting season ahead, [Read More]
Yahoo—The Taliban are using child sex slaves to mount crippling insider attacks on police in southern Afghanistan, exploiting the pervasive practice of “bacha bazi” — paedophilic boy play — to [Read More]
Newsbusters—MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews stumbled upon a thing called reason on Thursday night as he expressed stiff reservations over how Bernie Sanders and the far left argue that health [Read More]
DailyCaller—A graduate of Harvard Law School is suing New York’s bar examination board, claiming a promising legal career was derailed because she wasn’t given enough special treatment on the bar [Read More]
FAIR*(Washington, D.C.) Thirty House Republicans joined with Democrats to defeat two amendments to the Defense Appropriations bill that would have essentially blocked illegal aliens who have benefited from President Obama’s [Read More]
Townhall— An unknown hacker has leaked thousands of documents reportedly stolen from the Democratic National Committee servers, including a 200-page opposition research book that shows the party’s battle plan against Donald Trump. The document [Read More]
ShariaUnveiled//DAHN, Rheinland-Pfalz: A 20-year-old woman was stabbed repeatedly and died shortly afterwards in hospital of her injuries. The murder happened, according to police, around 8 am at a bus stop in Tannstraße. [Read More]
ONN/The American Family Association says Target officials can’t claim ignorance in the wake of a recent “peeping Tom” incident at one of their stories. Police are looking for a sexual [Read More] Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the nonprofit organization received nearly $17.7 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton [Read More]
AmericanMirror//A vocal band of agitators gathered outside Donald Trump’s Dallas rally tonight and as has been the case in many other cities, they flew Mexican flags. “We are united! We [Read More]
In the Wake of Orlando, Anonymous Hacks Hundreds of ISIS’ Twitter Accounts I Think They Missed a Real Opportunity By Not Photoshopping That Sword – [Story at DMF]
PatriotRetort//Whelp, it’s time for another taxpayer-funded jaunt for Michelle Obama and the girls. The Obamaleeches ladies will be traveling to Liberia, Morocco and Spain — ostensibly for Mrs. Obama’s “Let [Read More]
OC//An angry husband recently made headlines for selling his “cheating wife’s belongings” on the internet, after she reportedly ran off with someone who “looks like Beppe from Eastenders”. The anonymous [Read More]
FOX: A tourist from China was fined $1,000 for walking off a boardwalk at Yellowstone National Park and collecting thermal water, apparently for medicinal purposes, park officials said Wednesday. A [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.