MJA – Page 3981 – IOTW Report

Elections Won’t Save Latin America

Sunday, 13 December 2015, 18:00 MJA 3

PanAmPost: After Bogotá, Argentina, and Venezuela, it’s time for change in Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador, where the president’s indefinite reelection was recently approved. Hope is emerging in Latin America to roll back progressive, populist [Read More]

Northern Italy Bans Burqas

Sunday, 13 December 2015, 9:00 MJA 16

Downtrend: On this 12th day of December in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Fifteen, when village idiots in Paris are adopting voluntary cuts to carbon emissions based [Read More]

We Can End Stupid Celebrity Cause Videos

Saturday, 12 December 2015, 22:00 MJA 20

Newsbusters: Americans are infatuated with celebrities, but unfortunately for the Left, that love doesn’t translate into a popular landslide for the liberal point of view. Celebrity millionaires love to pose [Read More]

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