Planned Parenthood Admits Sending Aborted Babies to Landfills; AP Plays Defense – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Admits Sending Aborted Babies to Landfills; AP Plays Defense


Newsbusters: The callousness towards human life at Planned Parenthood is such that it believes that the remains of preborn babies killed during abortions are just like any other “medical waste,” and that sending them to landfills — or, perhaps even incinerators — is therefore “humane.”

That’s what one must conclude from reading an Associated Press report Friday evening which strived mightily to play defense for the beleaguered group. The wire service’s headline only described State Attorney General Mike DeWine as an “official.” The opening sentence from Andrew Welsh-Huggins only conceded that DeWine “criticized” the practices at Ohio’s Planned Parenthood’s locations, when his press release clearly contends that it has been violating state regulations (bolds are mine): – See more 

9 Comments on Planned Parenthood Admits Sending Aborted Babies to Landfills; AP Plays Defense

  1. They must treat these babies like trash.
    Anything less would be admitting that they were indeed, human and deserving of better treatment.
    Would Liberals contribute to a crowd fund for burials and services for these babies?

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