MJA – Page 3991 – IOTW Report

Top Carson fundraiser quits campaign

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 15:00 MJA 5

WaExaminer: A top fundraiser to Ben Carson’s presidential campaign reportedly quit Wednesday after unsuccessfully trying to reinstate an ousted adviser. Bill Millis, once a member of a three-person fundraising board [Read More]

Geraldo: ‘2nd Amendment Is Stupid’

Thursday, 3 December 2015, 8:45 MJA 24

BigJournalism: Following the news of the heinous attack on Inland Regional Services complex in San Bernardino, California, Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera tweeted that the “2nd Amendment is stupid” and asked Americans [Read More]

The Bill Is In For Climate Change

Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 13:15 MJA 26

IS: The world’s 48 poorest countries want $1.39 trillion dollars between 2020 and 2030 to tackle climate change. These estimates are based on plans they submitted to the UN. this [Read More]

Illegals Sue to Drive, Claim Discrimination

Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 11:45 MJA 8

JudicialWatch: Borrowing a play from the Obama administration’s extensive race-card repertoire, illegal immigrants claim in a federal lawsuit that a ballot measure denying them driver’s licenses is discriminatory because it’s based [Read More]

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