“The Revolution did away with racism in Cuba.”
Babalu Blog: Hablemos Press, Francisco Herodes Díaz Echemendía, Santiago de Cuba, 11 September 2015 –Let it be known that in Cuba there is no law about or against racism. According [Read More]
Babalu Blog: Hablemos Press, Francisco Herodes Díaz Echemendía, Santiago de Cuba, 11 September 2015 –Let it be known that in Cuba there is no law about or against racism. According [Read More]
PublicIntegrity: Sanders campaign has decried Americans Socially United super PAC Americans Socially United, a super PAC that recently received nearly $50,000 from James Bond actor Daniel Craig, has submitted its first [Read More]
When asked if he thought he had enough time to speak during the CNN debate Wednesday, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said he didn’t want to be rude but [Read More]
Watch Jimmah and […What’s her name again? June Carter Cash?] make out in front of baseball and everybody. BYOBB!
All that for a flag
RushLimbaugh- BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Okay, grab sound bite number three. This a prediction that I made going into the debate last night. I said it yesterday on this program. RUSH [Read More]
OANN– NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Motors Co <GM.N> has agreed to pay $900 million and sign a deferred-prosecution agreement to end a U.S. government investigation into its handling of [Read More]
College library ‘foot sniffer’ arrested after chase MIAMI — Police say they’ve arrested a man days after a complaint that someone was spotted crawling under library tables and smelling a [Read More]
Watchdog.org– For every Ohioan who has paid an Obamacare exchange premium, three have been added to Medicaid under Gov. John Kasich’s Obamacare expansion. As of June 30, only 188,223 Ohioans had [Read More]
Black Lives Matter … is nothing more than an American born terrorist group brought on by the lie of the hands up don’t shoot during the criminal thug Michael Brown incident. [Read More]
FPM: Oh, this is schadenfreude-licious. Outspoken celebrity Democratic activist/donor Matt Damon opened his mouth and let the truth about the left’s superficial commitment to “diversity” slip out. Now, liberal ideologues [Read More]
RedAlertPolitics: During the CNN Republican debate, Ted Cruz was given an opportunity to speak on one of his favorite topics, the Iran deal. John Kasich had referred to it as [Read More]
LibertyNews: One of the quickest routes for Muslim refugees to travel from Turkey into Europe is to go through Bulgaria and Serbia. Problem is, the next country on the path [Read More]
Green mogul opposed wind farm off Martha’s Vineyard, blasts objectors in Vermont. Watchdog- A green energy mogul who protested an offshore wind farm near his summer home on Martha’s Vineyard is [Read More]
She’s an ICU nurse. TruthRevolt: The 2016 Miss America Pageant was broadcast live on Sunday, September 13 and contestant Miss Colorado came under fire from the hosts of ‘The View’ who [Read More]
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