Authoritarian New Zealand Seeing ‘Record’ Coronavirus Deaths – IOTW Report

Authoritarian New Zealand Seeing ‘Record’ Coronavirus Deaths


New Zealand, often held up as the best example outside China of an authoritarian government controlling the spread of Chinese coronavirus with harsh lockdowns, is currently experiencing its worst coronavirus death rates of the entire pandemic.

Reuters reported on Friday that New Zealand had 151 fatalities during the week ending July 16, worse than its worst weekly total during the initial coronavirus outbreak. Twenty-six people died over the last 24 hours, all of them reportedly over 60 years old. The NZ Herald reported more than half of the coronavirus deaths were people over 80 years of age.

Reuters implied New Zealand grew complacent after a successful vaccination campaign. more

Umm. The vax is the reason there are more deaths now than prior.

13 Comments on Authoritarian New Zealand Seeing ‘Record’ Coronavirus Deaths

  1. My friend in NZ just got his 4th shot. He thinks it’ll protect him because his friends who have only been boosted 3 times all have Covid.


  2. This reminds me of some of the family members of people who died from “supposed” covid after getting the shot saying that the doctors told them it could have been worse. How exactly does it get any worse?
    Or those who blamed us non-jabbed for their jabbed family members getting “supposed” covid and dying.

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  4. @ mystaclean: That vaccine that isn’t a vaccine is the real bio-weapon. Covid-19 was the scam created to get gullible fools into getting the injections.

    Down the road, there will be a hell of a lot of dead people from those shots.

  5. Here’s 3 dead young doctors all died within a day of each other after receiving their 4th death jab.

    Will physicians EVER speak out? Or will they continue to shrug their shoulders and refuse to look at the data showing that these vaccines are the biggest scandal in medical history?

    I think about the years they spent to get to their dream job, and they believed their colleagues that the death jab was the way to go.

    Trump called the vaccine “one of the greatest achievements of mankind” and praised his administration’s success in getting the vaccine developed on his watch.

    Trumps many quotes on why yo8u should get the death jab. He owns it and it will be used against him…I think the reason why Tucker is coming out on how evil the jab is, to help discredit Trump for the 2024 run. DeSantis was smart enough to go the other direction on the jab. DeSantis is smarter than Trump.

    If only…..

  6. Goldenfoxx, I’ve had friend defriend me on FB because I have pointed this about Trump. I started bitching when Covid Trump became stupid. I told people on FB if he didn’t pull his head out of his ass he was going to lose the election, either because people didn’t show up or they’d use Covid to cheat. I didn’t think they’d cheat exactly the way they did it, never dreamed of that, but figured mail in voting would go the way of Biden just enough. I guess they didn’t do their math correct and had to print up some more on election night.

    I am just one who thinks we should all be honest and not act like demoncrats. We can’t just root someone on because, too much is at stake and at this point I’m not sure we’ll ever have fair elections again so don’t even know if it matters.

    Like I have told them if it’s Trump and a demoncrat, I will vote Trump, like I’ve done four times before. 2 primaries and 2 general elections. If there is anyone else though in the primary that is not a RINO I will be voting for them, even if I don’t trust our primary elections anymore than I do our general elections.


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