Authoritarian Withdrawal – IOTW Report

Authoritarian Withdrawal

What do Authoritarians do when can they no longer Authoritate?

Burning Platform: There has been a great deal of thought put into what will happen when things get back to normal.  We can go to work again, take in a ball game, play golf or tennis, take the kids to the park, all good things.  Well, almost all good things.  It’s time we start to think of the losers who will be created when all this ends.  The soon to be marginalized, the left out, the ignored, yes, the politicians.  I’m not talking about our Tweeter in Chief; good luck ignoring him.  Love him, hate him, makes no difference.

Our non-stop 24 hour news cycle will insure that he is never ignored.  No, I am talking about our lesser Trumps.  The governors and mayors who occupy our time between White House daily briefings.  Who is going to watch Coffee with Cuomo when all he has to talk about is transgender bathrooms in the Capitol Building?  Or Bill DiBlasio ramble on about new bike lanes or how people of color are underrepresented in the albino community.

American needs to prioritize and figure out how we are going to handle the greatest adjustment of all. That of worthless politicians adjusting to a lack of attention.  It’s true everyone likes attention.  It’s a natural reaction.  But for a politician its not about like, its about need.  It’s oxygen, and these guys and gals are now addicted to it. read more

9 Comments on Authoritarian Withdrawal

  1. You need to include McConnell, Graham and the rest of the Hitler Youth in this comment. Nothing has changed the RINO’s are circulating talking points to downplay Trumps’ success with this phony COVID-19 nonsense.
    Don’t re-elect anybody!

  2. Kinda hard to “authoritate,” after being tarred & feathered, hung, drawn & quartered, & BURNED. 😡

    John Huss will have gotten off LIGHT – by comparison – when AMERICANS are done with THESE libtards. 😡 😡

  3. What will be interesting is where will all the ventilators be SHOVED that are still being manufactured with all the quality control of a general motors head gasket.

  4. There are two Americas now: those who are brainwashed or kept ignorant by the ‘news’ and our corrupt educational system and hollywood propaganda machine, and the rest of us.

    The former are dragging us off a cliff.


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