Authorities Investigating Sean Penn in El Chapo Case – IOTW Report

Authorities Investigating Sean Penn in El Chapo Case

Sean Penn LED authorities to El Chapo: Actor under investigation after meeting with world’s most wanted drug lord while he was on the run in the Mexico – unwittingly guiding officials right to his lair.

Actor did not turn El Chapo in as he did not want to ‘f***’ with his trust 


  • Sean Penn met with El Chapo while he was on the run in Mexico last year 
  • Meeting was organized by Penn, Mexican actress Kate del Castillo and a fixer, with the permission of the Sinaloa cartel 
  • Drug lord admitted to supplying more heroin, meth, cocaine and marijuana than anyone else
  • He also boasted of having a fleet of submarines, boats, trucks and planes
  • Told Penn he sent a team of engineers to Germany to learn how to safely construct the tunnel into the maximum security prison he fled from in July
  • El Chapo was recaptured on Friday in a deadly raid by Mexican marines 
  • Mexican official said Penn interview led them to El Chapo’s hideout 
  • Penn & del Castillo are now under investigation in Mexico, authorities said
  • Read more:



20 Comments on Authorities Investigating Sean Penn in El Chapo Case

  1. Great news! Now El Choppo (or is it El Whoppo) can take one up the dumper in the prison shower knowing it was ‘Kid Cuba’ Sean Penn that set him up. I hope that line of thinking gets traction.

  2. And Sean the Pinhead will be in a Mexican Jail, where the guards don’t really care what happens. Who knows, if Trump is elected, maybe El Chapo, Eric Holder and Sean the Pinhead can all be cellies. Wonder who’ll sleep on the floor?

  3. I am proud to say that while I’ve seen him on the news making an ass of himself, I have never once seen one of his movies..
    But being that he’s a card carrying liberal, and not a misfortunate Marine who made a mistake, I’m sure the State Department will come to his aid with flying colors.

  4. Whoa. It sounds like he’s turning into Andrew Dalton Lee the real life drug dealer/traitor that he played in “The Falcon and the Snowman”. Is he selling government secrets to the Russians too? Has anyone checked to see what Timothy Hutton is up to now that “Leverage” has ended?

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