Authorities looking For Terrorist Gokman Tanis – IOTW Report

Authorities looking For Terrorist Gokman Tanis


  • Three dead, five injured after shooting on tram in Utrecht, Netherlands, according to police and city’s mayor
  • Turkish-born Gokmen Tanis, 37, wanted by police
  • Security stepped up at schools, mosques and transport hubs

Three people have died and five have been injured in a shooting on a tram in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

Dutch security forces were hunting for Gökmen Tanis, a 37-year-old Turkish man suspected of having shot several people on a tram on Monday, in what authorities said appeared to be a terrorist attack.

14 Comments on Authorities looking For Terrorist Gokman Tanis

  1. The main article I read when this broke did not include a description so I immediately knew it must not have been a pro-Trump, fascist, capitalist, white nationalist radicalized by 8chan and Der Drumpfenfuhrer.

    Just a Dutch citizen succumbing to Remington’s gun violence siren song advertising I’m sure.

  2. “Security stepped up at schools, mosques and transport hubs”

    Why Mosques? Are they expecting him to attack a Mosque?

    I doubt the Mosques are in any danger from attack by the Dutch people, but I can see Churches being in danger of attack by Muslims but see no indication of increased security for them.

    Of course, no one really cares about attacks on Churches.

  3. Just a contrarian thought; I thought we weren’t glorifying these guys? Would not naming Hitler kept him out of power? Either we expose evil or we cover it up? How’s that working out for Christians?

  4. So will the Lame Stream Media go ape-$h!t crazy and condemn the Muzzies for this or would that be being Islamophobic?

    What, 130 Christians killed in Nigeria in February by Muzzies and hardly peep from any of the major news outlets yet they get hysterical when a loon kills some rag heads in New Zealand.

  5. Breaking News: In response to the senseless, racist rightwing attack in New Zealand, the city of Christchurch will be renamed Allahmosque by the end of the week.

    “There will be no opposition.”

  6. Dang. I’ve traveled through Utrecht many times. Darned glad something like this didn’t happen while I was there. Never imagined it was possible. However..

    Twenty years ago I was in the Netherlands. Picture on the front page of the newspaper, the Eindhoven Dagblad, one morning was of a man with his eyes, and mouth sewn together. I had to ask a classmate who did this to the poor guy, and why. Oh it was done to him by friends as protest that the Dutch government did not hear, see, or speak of their plight.

    I think the guy was Turkish. Later during the weekend in Amsterdam all day people were thrusting fliers at people walking past them. The number of people gathering in parks kept increasing. The fliers were written in Dutch and some other foreign language (but not English). The fliers had a picture of a guy on it, apparently a protest was building demanding support from the Dutch for the guy, apparently a supported leader in another country.

    By afternoon several police riot vehicles were parked at strategic locations along the Centraal street near parks where crowds were increasing. The type vehicles with large water tanks inside and high pressure nozzle on top. I think the guy being supported may have been Turkish. It’s an old on going problem in the Netherlands.

  7. Islamic terrorist now arrested by the way he was in court last charged with raping a young white german girl ! he made bail lot`s of prior armed robbery drug dealing thought to have been to fight with isis in Chechnya seems a good muslim !


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