Autistic mom claims Six Flags police officer ‘body shamed’ her and kicked her out of the park because her shorts were ‘too short’ – IOTW Report

Autistic mom claims Six Flags police officer ‘body shamed’ her and kicked her out of the park because her shorts were ‘too short’

You can read the story if you want to. I didn’t really care about it at all. I just wanted to see the shorts.

Yep. They’re short. But I think you see more at the pool, no?

42 Comments on Autistic mom claims Six Flags police officer ‘body shamed’ her and kicked her out of the park because her shorts were ‘too short’

  1. ghost, the kid isn’t artistic, the mom is artistic. The kid was riding down the hill in those roller shoes. I can see that could be a problem in a crowded park. And if she wants everyone should know she’s artistic she should wear a frickin sign.

  2. @joe6pak:

    you see much more at the pool

    You might well see a thong at the pool but that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate wear at Six Flags.

    I guess my rule of, uh, thumb would be nothing so short that you expose the transition from thigh to buttock. I know that’s hard to pinpoint on a fatso, but fatsos should wear muu-muus or guayaberas in XXXL anyway.

  3. Firstly,
    They could have easily not let her in, in the first place.
    Taking the $$$ and then turfing her was wrong.

    Secondly, fantastic Body!

    Autistic Mom & a Boyfriend. I wish the best for the child.

    Sorry, but its where my head is.

  4. I can’t say that I have ever seen a female that a tattoo has made an improvement on. I have seen a hell of a lot that there isn’t anything that they could do to themselves to make the situation worse.

  5. Is that some kind of pierced chains in her thighs? Once you become a mother you should dress like a mother, what kid wants their friends seeing their mother dressed like that?

  6. Even fully clothed, the liberals have bared their hate, deceit, tyrannous and anti-American devious purposes much more than anyone in a pair of cutoffs I’ve ever seen.

    Sometimes seeing the facts up close and personal can be quite refreshing.
    But, I will concede to an age limit of the viewers.

  7. A bit surprised I have so much company in not being impressed by tats.

    Her body shape rocked and the yellow shirt’s design seemed to be made just for it.

    My first year at HS was the first year of no dress code.

    Short shorts and halter tops ruled the year.

    Alas, that was the only year of no dress code.

    Boys’ grades improved after that.

  8. The tats are grotesque and she’s probably a petri dish of STDs, but she looks fine for traipsing around a theme park.

    Can’t see the park coming to a screeching halt from all the operators ogling her.

    But, she’s looking for a payday.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I get that they have a dress code they have every right to enforce, but why do this two hours after the family came in? They could have stopped her at the gate but didn’t. Security guards should stick to their primary function.

  10. So, she’s autistic and that’s her excuse to look like a slut around children. Actually, the shirt has got to go as well. Tired of looking at jeans on people that are full of holes. WTF is that all about? I use to spend a lot of time patching holes in jeans, that was a sign that you got up off your butt and did stuff. The other is just plain laziness, southside fashion for big bucks.

  11. Um….denim shorts. Wasn’t that on the list of Uncool Things That Boomers Need to Give Up? Those aren’t your granny’s denim shorts. They are too short, but if they violated the dress code, she should have been denied entry in the first place, not thrown out after paying admission.


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