Avatar Service For iOTWr Readers – IOTW Report

Avatar Service For iOTWr Readers

There have been a few comments about avatars in the last few weeks. Would you like to have an avatar but don’t know how or have the ability to size your photo? I would like to offer my services to help you.

In order to create an avatar, you need to have a photo or image and an email address. You then need to go to the Gravatar website to set up your image which is linked to your email address.

Here is the process:

1) Find an image/photo that you want to use. The optimal size should be 75×75 pixels. If I just lost you, here is where I can help.
a) Email me your image/photo to crittersiotwr@earthlink.net and use AVATAR as the subject of the email. This is important because this is the same email I use for readers to send me their critter photos and I don’t want to confuse the two.
b) If you send me an image/photo that you only want part of it for your avatar (example: your picture has several things in it, but you only want just one of the things as your avatar) let me know what portion of the image you want and I will crop out everything else.
c) I will then shrink the image to 75×75 pixels, and send it to you for your approval. If you would like to make corrections, we will work on it until you are satisfied.
HINT: Some images may not work as an avatar.

  • If the image is already smaller than 75×75 pixels, Gravatar will enlarge the image to 75×75 pixels and then the image will look like Mr. Pinko’s face.
  • If your image has a lot of detail, it may not be very clear just what it is when shrunk to 75×75 pixels.

2) You will need an email address to link to your avatar. You can use the email address you have or create a new one using any of the free email services: gmail.com, outlook.com, yahoo.com, mail.com, etc.

3) When you have your image and email address, go to the Gravatar website. On the right upper corner click on the box that says, “Sign In”.
a) If you have a WordPress account, you can use that to set up your avatar.
b) If you don’t have a WordPress account, click on the “Not on WordPress.com? Create an Account.” link. Use the email address that you want linked to the image you will use as your avatar.
c) When you are signed in either using your WordPress account or your new account, follow the instructions to upload your image and link it to your email address.

4) Then, to have your avatar show up when you comment on iOTWr: after you make your comment and type in your screen name, make sure that you type in your email address that is linked to your avatar in the spot for “Email”.

That should do it! Can’t wait to see all the new avatars!

76 Comments on Avatar Service For iOTWr Readers

  1. It used to work without typing in the e-mail address…pain in the ass for us two finger typers….well, occasionally my thumb gets so excited that it just jumps in, but it’s usually incorrect and bossy….

  2. I put it off for the longest time while I teetered on the idea of it being somewhat egotistical.

    I have since decided how foolish that is and how much easier it would be for readers to quickly distinguish between the commenters.

  3. @Jimmy – my currency is photos man!

    CritterSunday pics that is…

    BTW…uh wheres yours?? Put up a baby pic or something…or an old mug shot? ;>o

    Also, h/t to Uncle Al who has maybe one of the best ones and he told me how to do it when I showed up here at the bar, but just never did and glad I did now…even less anonymity!

  4. @willygoatsgruff, I love the beer-swilling goat avatar. Lol! One of my cowboy friends growing up had a horse that liked beer, too. I guess it’s the hops?

    Jelly Bean, what is that avatar contraption?!

  5. @Conservative cowgirl

    Long story short;

    It’s a galvanometer, this one in particular was created by, (I believe a man and wife team), that builds, creates, improvises whatever the film industry wants. (Sorry I don’t remember their names for proper credit).

    I have admired the workmanship since the first time I saw it years ago.

  6. Ann Nonymous Prime might also have a multi- personnalities disorder as well as having an avatar phobia….Vitamin C infused vodka tonics is a recommended cure….call Aaron Burr for the dosage…..

  7. If you have two email address you have to use the one that is registered with Word Press. That is why previous efforts to use an avatar did not work for me. Once I started posting with my other address I, with all my youthful exuberance, is now viable. Even though I put my usual address as a secondary it still will not bring up my avatar.

  8. @ghost of brig gen j glover — Thanks for the compliment! I have several (gr)avatars on tap but the Spooner is my favorite.

    For anyone wondering, I multiple avatars because I have a virtually infinite number of email addresses because I own a couple of domains and am the email administrator for each one. You can do something similar by setting up a smallish convenient number of addresses with “freebie” email services, especially those that allow you to auto-forward mail to your usual address.

  9. Ghost, because I’m an engineer, not a doctor, dammit!

    Dammit Jim!

    Okay, I’m a “retired engineer.:

    But, you should hear my impression of him. I got Dem Bones down! 😀

  10. Hey C or someone, remove the asshole ^^^^.

    @Jimmy – not to be technical, BUT he was a ‘just a ‘country’ doctor’. Man he was pissed.

    Another good one of him for your avatar was his crazed look in City on the Edge of Forever before the portal jump? Whattayathink?

    @ Uncle Al – you are welcome bro. Who is Spooner though? Looks like a water color Vive la painting?

    Ghost, done! – Claudia

    PS, Jimmy, he wasn’t talking about you!!! It was a spam comment that I deleted!

  11. refuse/resist, email me and tell me if there is a picture on the internet you’d like to use. Otherwise, I can walk you through emailing a picture to me.

    Chiggerbug, looks great!!

  12. @Uncle Al – jaw drop. Interesting? Yeah, to say the least…thanks big time never hear about ‘my fellow Bostonian’ and he’s buried in Forest Hills.

    Will stop and say an abolitionist libertarian prayer! AND I mean that sincerely. We have been to Harpers Ferry and to JB’s cabin in Lake Placid, another ‘interesting dude’ for sure.

    Sounds like a complicated man Mr Spooner, that means I want to know more about him.

    BTW, who the hell names a child Lysander? Have you looked into this? Biblical ‘based’ or Greek?


  13. I haven’t met many of us, and even fewer that have an avatar, but I can tell everyone that illustr8r’s avatar suits her well. If I thought of one that suited me as well as hers does I’d have one. I imagine most of the avatars that people use fit the person well.

  14. @joe6pak — If you’ll allow me to give it a try, post a small number your interests and let’s see if I can find a suitable image for you. Things such as…
    — hunting, fishing, boats
    — Americana
    — tiddly-winks, parcheesi, hopscotch (kidding!)
    — some breed(s) of dog
    — naked hang gliding over hazardous waste dumps
    …that sort of thing. (-:

  15. @ghost of brig gen j glover — This is from (*cough*) Wikipedia:

    Lysander was a Spartan admiral who commanded the Spartan fleet in the Hellespont which defeated the Athenians at Aegospotami in 405 BC. The following year, he was able to force the Athenians to capitulate, bringing the Peloponnesian War to an end.

  16. Q: Do I have to create/use a WordPress email address? Or can I use my hotmail address that I’ve had and used for over a bajillion years?


    You can use your hotmail address. Just use it to create a WordPress account. – Claudia

  17. @joe6pak – I have an idea. How about a high strength bolt connection?? Or a nice torque wrench?

    A nice torque test for the leftists neck…

    @Uncle Al – thanks, like I said, holy shit.

  18. @Aaron Burr – just a being a BIC asshole here! So what the fuck would I know about greeks, yachts and fags? Katanas and saunas for that matter???

    Sorry for being an ignorant shithead!

    AND, btw BIC stands for Bronx Irish Catholic. We are just a bunch of ‘dum dums’ about Greek culture I suppose.

    You wouldn’t name a fish Lysander never mind anything else.

    Who are you kiddin’?

  19. @ Richard Cranium, You could use “Big Richard Cranium”. See if that works.

    More avatars will add more color to the replys. Its real boring in white and gray.

  20. Great avatar choice, Claudia. Michael is my favorite heavenly angel. I’m sure you know, he’s the chief angel in charge of a battalion of warrior angels that keep demonic forces at bay.
    Michael has been my avatar image for years – sporting a tan of course. Might be time for an update. We’ll see.
    Nice to know Christian soldiers think alike.

  21. One more bit of advice: If you change the avatar for your existing email address and it doesn’t appear when you next post a comment, clear your browser image cache and refresh the page. Be aware that when you do make that kind of change, it is effectively retroactive, and your older comments that originally had the old avatar will from then on have the new avatar.


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