Ave Maria in Stairwell Sounds Amazing – IOTW Report

Ave Maria in Stairwell Sounds Amazing

14 Comments on Ave Maria in Stairwell Sounds Amazing

  1. This fantastically highly rated comment from the YouTube post of this video expresses my thoughts. God bless these gentlemen.

    I read about 20 comments and figured since no one else addressed the elephant in the room I would do it. And please, no haters, ok? I mean all of this with all of the respect in my heart for these gentleman and my love for them taking the time to learn the song and do such an amazing job on it. As a 68 year old Black singer, I was a member of the Barbershop Quartet Society for about 15 years. Their style of music has never been very popular among young Black men, so I know something about “singing something different”. I just wanted to say how absolutely REFRESHING it was to hear four young very talented Black men singing something classical and doing, as I said earlier, such an amazing job on it. I literally had tears in my eyes listening to this and that rarely happens. I wish we could get more young Black people, men and women, interested in this type of music rather than the rap and hip-hop that in my opinion, has been a major factor in glorifying thug life, street life, and disrespect towards women in the Black community over the last 40 years.

  2. Those guys totally nailed it.

    Back in the late 70s we used to trek up to Rome for special occasions to a french restaurant run by nuns and missionaries. It was near the Pantheon. At precisely 8pm you put down your forks as they sang the Ave Maria. It was beautiful.

    I just looked it up. It’s still there after all these years. L’eau Vive. Living water.


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