Awash In a Sea of Stupid – IOTW Report

Awash In a Sea of Stupid

American Thinker:
By Clarice Feldman

It’s a weird feeling, watching the globe-wide death of reason and the herdlike behavior of virtue-signaling nincompoops. There’s so much of this it’s hard to know where to begin. This is not intended to be a complete list, which would take too many pages, just an illustration of what I mean.

Standing up for Ukraine in the Art World?

Suddenly, as the preposterous mandates supposedly designed to stop the spread of the Wuhan virus begin to lift, the herd, bereft at the widespread mask-dumping, seems to have latched onto the Russian invasion of Ukraine to prove to us how moral they are. Now, it’s perfectly understandable to be appalled at the destruction. Contributing to relief efforts, for example, is one rational humanitarian response.

But the reaction in many quarters is patently absurd. One of the greatest opera stars, Russian Anna Netrebko, has withdrawn her scheduled performances at the Metropolitan Opera after the General Manager announced,” we can no longer engage with artists or institutions that support Putin or are supported by him — not until the invasion and killing has been stopped, order has been restored, and restitutions have been made.” Unless she planned to drive a tank to Kiev or to revise the planned operas to sing the praises of Putin, whatever was the point of this? 

The Montreal Symphony Orchestra has cancelled the piano performance of a young genius, Alexander Malofeev, who was outspokenly critical of the invasion and, indeed, has relatives in Ukraine. 

“The OSM feels that it would be inappropriate to receive Mr. Malofeev this week,” wrote a spokesperson for the orchestra, Pascale Ouimet, in a statement.

“We continue, however, to believe in the importance of maintaining relationships with artists of all nationalities who embrace messages of peace and hope. We look forward to welcoming this exceptional artist when the context allows it.”

And not to be outdone in fecklessness, the Cardiff Philharmonic has removed works by Tchaikovsky from its scheduled program on the ground that “his music is inappropriate at this time.”  Children’s ballet teachers are crossing their fingers in the hope that this will be over by the annual Christmas Nutcracker performances. more here
h/t NAAC.

14 Comments on Awash In a Sea of Stupid

  1. It’s a lot worse than ‘stupid’. Our country really is disintegrated right in front of us. We’re gonna be a lot less than 50 states in the near future. VERY near future.

  2. I have also removed works of Tchai from my future CD albums sent to Europe because Ukraine wants(?) missiles pointed at Russian people from the borders of Ukraine after Ukraine decides they are no longer a Neutral Country.

    Just like the Cuban missile crisis during JFK’s time in office. Kiss off Nazi Reporters!

  3. So when is the city of Moscow, Idaho (home to the University of Idaho) going to request a name change. And how about the tiny farming town of Odessa in North Central Washington. Are they any other towns and cities across America that have Russian names that need to be changed as well? OH THE STUPIDITY!

  4. I watched a fairly recent Polish movie from 2019 on Hulu the other night called Mr. Jones about the Welshman correspondent Gareth Jones who exposed the famine In Ukraine back in the early 1930’s and caught hell for exposing it by most of the liberal press and the communists and especially Walter Duranty of the NY Slimes. Wm. Randolph Hearst was the only newspaper publisher who finally helped Mr. Jones to expose Stalin’s famine. This is a must watch movie that helps to explain the Ukrainian famine in the early 1930’s, it is also very intense, gut wrenching in the parts where Jones wandered thru the Ukrainian countryside by himself chronicling the famine and its devastation to the Ukrainian people. This part of the movie was filmed in Black and white to give it more of a somber significance and is very well done. There are parts of this movie that made me cry especially the starving Ukrainian infant thrown on a cart along with a bunch of dead people who had been starved to death and the death of a young Ukrainian named Kolya whose frozen body is seen outside of the hut where the rest of starving family lives who Jones visits. If you didn’t know how much of a liar and a pervert Walter Duranty was his depravity and evil are seen on display in a scene in a Russian night club with an orgy going on. This part of the movie is very graphic and made me sick. Like I say this movie is a keeper helping to explain in a way things that I’d never known about Stalin’s famine of the Ukrainian people and I’d highly recommend It. And for all of Mr. Jones trouble in exposing this horrific news story to the world he was a man who knew too much and was killed in the mid 30’s the day before his 30th birthday by the Chi coms after he had been been betrayed by Russian Intelligence when he was covering the civil war in China. This is a movie that must be seen that never got a lot of publicity when it came out a few years ago.

  5. “…the herd, bereft at the widespread mask-dumping, seems to have latched onto the Russian invasion of Ukraine to prove to us how moral they are.”

    Remember when they snidely called us “jingoistic”? I’ve never seen such puffed-up, bellicose, preening lunatics in my life as these war-karens. God help us when the loony left plays at combat.

  6. Sheep follow the ram with the bell.
    The lemmings all follow the first one over the cliff.
    The japs on Okinawa killed themselves and their children because of jap propaganda.

    There’s a reason for the wide spread of “normal” in a Gaussian distribution.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Remember when jihadists flew jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? And the response was outreach to Muslims? Why is this the opposite?
    Stupid lemmings.

  8. One of the other things about the movie Mr. Jones is that George Orwell is also depicted in it while he was writing his novel Animal Farm. I don’t know if Orwell ever met Gareth Jones or not but one of the animals in Animal Farm is named Mr. Jones. Coincidence maybe but more than likely literary license.


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