AWD’s Selling “Piggy-in-a-Pinch” Anti-Muslim Rape-Wear – IOTW Report

AWD’s Selling “Piggy-in-a-Pinch” Anti-Muslim Rape-Wear

AWD stole my art and created an entire line of “Piggy-in-a-Pinch” clothing and accessories. Only one thing left to do:





7 Comments on AWD’s Selling “Piggy-in-a-Pinch” Anti-Muslim Rape-Wear

  1. way to go AWD. I tried to go to your site, but it keeps redirecting me to a “please enable javascript” page telling me to turn off my noscript. (the URL actually has noscriptredirect in it)

    Three times. I gave you three times of hitting “temporarily enable all this site” turning on more and more scripts each time, and it still redirects me.

    The AWD home page has some scripts it is trying to run even after three times hitting “enable all” yet the REDIRECT page does not require those same scripts, so when I land there I can’t turn on whatever gobbledygook you are trying to run on my computer.

    Really? How many freaking scripts does it take to run a blog in 2016?

    Unless your intent is to make ANOTHER angry white dude…

    BTW noscript prevents unwanted or unknown scripts from running on webpages you surf to. You have a whitelist for trusted sites and trusted scripts. Doing this allows for fairly safe web surfing in the age of malvertizement and drive-by downloads.

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