Awful Government Attack Against Doctor Promoting Vitamin D For COVID – IOTW Report

Awful Government Attack Against Doctor Promoting Vitamin D For COVID

Blue State Conservative:
Dr. Eric Nepute is the very first doctor that the federal government has come after, accusing him of violating the 2020 COVID Consumer Protection Act. His case is the first case and is a civil action by the Federal Trade Commission.

According to the commission’s complaint, Nepute and his company marketed vitamin D and zinc products under the brand name “Wellness Warrior” and claimed they were as effective – or more – than vaccines that are currently available.

The FTC said among Nepute and Quickwork’s bogus claims were that “COVID-19 patients who get enough vitamin D are 52% less likely to die,” and those who get enough vitamin D are 77% less likely to get the disease and that his Wellness Warrior vitamin D product is more effective at preventing COVID-19 than approved vaccines.

“The defendants’ claims that their products can stand in for approved COVID-19 vaccines are particularly troubling: we need to be doing everything we can to stop bogus health claims that endanger consumers,” an FTC official said.

He is being sued for $40,000 per violation defined as Dr. Nepute telling the world that they should take vitamin D and zinc to help them deal with COVID on any level.  He certainly is not the first doctor to strongly advocate use of vitamins and supplements to fight COVID.  In total, the government is suing him for over 12 million instances where his advertisements were heard. Multiply $40,000 by 12 million and you get a total of $480 billion he is being sued for! Just what a bully government thinks is just, rational and science based. more here

18 Comments on Awful Government Attack Against Doctor Promoting Vitamin D For COVID

  1. Prosecuting him without also prosecuting the pharmaceutical companies for their claims regarding the efficacy of vaccines and ridiculously expensive drugs against the Xi virus is, well, criminal.

  2. Many studies over many years have shown that maintaining adequate vitamin D levels is more effective at preventing / treating the flu than vaccines or tamiflu. Vitamin D modulates the immune response which prevents cytokine storms (which cause much of the damage in the lungs and other organs with either the flu or COVID).

    A few days ago I went to a neighbor’s house for an hour or so to give them some Christmas decorations I was getting rid of and he had just come down with the flu (going around at his work place), so I gave him 10 capsules of quercetin (250 mg) to take twice a day along with vitamins C and D and zinc (which he already had). He was pretty much back to normal in 3 days – his wife and young child caught it and it took them 5 to 6 days to get close to back to normal.

    Zinc is required for the body to make killer T-cells (and to build collagen and keratin) and it also is known to kill viruses itself if it can get into the cells to do so – quercetin is an ionophore which means that it helps zinc to get into the cells at a molecular level. Vitamin C enables the body to create hydrogen peroxide at a cellular level (and is required to produce collagen) which kills viruses / bacteria in the cells.

    Natural compounds taken as a preventative have long been proven to be much more effective at preventing illness than waiting until you get sick and treating it with the crap pharmaceutical companies are pushing.

  3. I meant to mention that I didn’t catch anything from them despite spending well more than an hour with them in the same room. Likely because I take all the things listed above along with a good multivitamin among several other supplements.

  4. Girl friend fully jabbed, had covid twice, both times went to hospital. I transported her both times in my car and sat for over 9 hours in the lobby that was loaded with sick people. On the second trip, the hospital could not get a taxi to take someone with covid to drive her back home, I had to drive 40 miles to pick her up and again transport her. Seems taxi drivers don’t want to be around covid people. I turned down all the jabs and didn’t get covid from her. Hint, I take plenty of zinc and D. The VA questioned my D levels after a yearly check up. I told them I’d cut back but I never did. Just saying.

  5. The Federal Government can outspend and outwait anybody as they have TEAMS of lawyers working full time for them and you do NOT, and they have unlimited access to YOUR money to pay the lawyers they persecute YOU with.

    The process is very much the punishment.

    They will kill him with harrassment and continuences until the sun explodes.

  6. Seems to me this would require the government to prove in court of law that the jab is more effective than the vitamin regiment. Would love to see the defense demand the proof of their claim that the vax is safe and effective and show who is actually pushing bogus health claims that endanger consumers.

  7. “Multiply $40,000 by 12 million and you get a total of $480 billion he is being sued for!”

    “Amendment VIII
    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

  8. Big Pharma and the government want to stop all vitamins and natural cures. No money in it for big Pharma and no kickback in donations to the politicians then

    I also have taken quercetin, zinc, D3, vitamin C, selenium, and other vitamins daily. Had a very mild case and was over it in three days. And I am in an age group they say should be taking the Jab. Never
    have taken any of the clot shots

    My younger vaxxed and boosted friends have had it multiple times and were down for far longer with serious symptoms.

    I plan to keep taking what I’ve been taking and stay healthy.

  9. I caught Covid one time back in 2020.
    I refuse to vaccinate or boost.
    I have not caught Covid since 2020.
    I do not spread Covid.
    I take vitamin D and Methyl 12 (vitamin B) daily.
    I am in charge of my life.

  10. Proudly living a a fully unvaccinated American who is full of vitamins, and two types of vitamin d.
    Reasonably healthy as someone with diabetes, heart bypass, and other issues can be.

    According to the government I should be dead. Too bad.

  11. Based on what is now Chi Com/Fauchi Covid history, nobody in the medical profession, from lowly bed pan cleaners to high paid and highfalutin MDs, knew anything about anything when it came to it’s treatment or cure (and still don’t)!


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